Pre-trip list on a gray Friday morning

Apr 23, 2010 09:05

I hit the road today for parts south, feeling virtuous in having completed a project last night and desperate for a change of scenery. It's a writing retreat organized by davidlevine on the Oregon coast, and I hope (I hope I hope) to get some writing done. But before I go, there are things I want to note.

Finished reading both Very Bad Deaths and Very Hard Choices by Spider Robinson. The first one is very good, vintage Spider, and I quite enjoyed it. The second one feels uneven and, to me, anticlimactic, which wasn't quite as disappointing as it sounds, but was disappointing enough.

I read volume one of Fables called "Legends in Exile," (compilation of the comic books) which was very good indeed, and I must acquire the next volume very soon.

I am now reading Last Seen in Massilia by Steven Saylor, a mystery set in ancient Rome.

On my trip, I will be taking that last book, plus a book or two of poetry, I think. I have been hearing poetry in my head this morning; more will help if that's what's coming.

It feels odd not to be traveling with jackwilliambell, especially since he'll be in Oregon, too, visiting his folks, but he had other things to take care of this weekend. I'll miss seeing him (even though we did have dinner together last night).

And I don't know why, but it's getting harder and harder to leave my cats when I travel. I can't take them with me; neither would enjoy it (especially Spanky). But I will miss them, too.

books, travel

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