Sunday night: Home again and facing the week

Apr 25, 2010 22:13

Home again, home again, but there's no jiggety jig.

It was a good weekend. My drive to Rockaway Beach was mostly uneventful; my arrival around 5:30 PM was within 30 minutes of when I wanted to get there. The group of us stayed at the Oregon Writers Colony Colonyhouse, which is far more awesome than the pictures on their Web site make it look. It's a block from the ocean, a nice walk into downtown Rockaway, and a lovely atmosphere to write in. I revised a novel outline and feel like I'm ready to hit the damn thing hard.

The problem, of course, is that I have another freelance job I'm am obliged to finish before I get back to my book. I'm looking forward to the work (and the money associated with same), but I once again face that challenge of needing to work for money versus needing to do the work I want to do for love. I need a roof, regardless of wanting to write. There aren't enough hours in the day nor enough energy in the world to do everything I want and need to do. This is why there's no jiggety jig, despite having had a fine weekend.

On the way home, I stopped in Astoria, OR for lunch at Gunderson's Cannery Cafe (excellent meal) and then at the Columbia River Maritime Museum (the Web site doesn't do the place justice; it's a world-class museum). I spent a really good two hours learning about the history of the river and the maritime heritage of Astoria. My father was stationed at Tongue Point, right near Astoria, during World War II (at least, that's what his service record says), so I have an interest in the area. It was fun to poke around and learn about it.

Tomorrow, I'm back to the day job and the freelance projects. I was so exhausted when I left for Oregon on Friday. It was a gift not to have to think about any kind of work for two days. I tell you, though, it wasn't long enough, and if I could have stayed longer, I would have. The stomach discomfort I'd been having last week has completely disappeared. I walked a bit on the shore. I wrote and it felt good. Coming back to the real world is hard. But come back I must.

And so into the week we go. Here's hoping for energy and productivity. Wish me luck!

work, museums, writing, travel

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