Under the heading of "Awesome Author Promotion"

Apr 22, 2010 10:32

I don't ordinarily do a full-blown pimp for friends' books quite like this, but since a) this is an example of using one's resources to their full potential and, b) I know that people who dip into my LJ come from many different communities, I really wanted to share as much of this as I could.

lisamantchev's first young adult fantasy novel, Eyes Like Stars, is currently nominated for the Andre Norton Award for Best YA Novel in 2009. (Great book for anyone who's got an interest in theater.)

Check out the trailer she's put together for the upcoming sequel, Perchance to Dream. Gorgeous stuff.

image Click to view

This is a woman who knows how to promote her own work. And it's good stuff, too.

I asked Lisa how she did this. This is what she said:

The website is called Animoto, and for a commercial purpose like this,
I needed to purchase a one-year pro-level subscription.

Then I plugged in the pictures and the text, picked the music, synced
everything up, and a computer program generates the graphic fades. I
rerendered the dang thing about 25 times trying to get everything the way
I wanted it, but I think it's pretty slick looking, I don't have any video
editing experience to do it myself from scratch, AND they have the music
library as part of the deal.

Pretty cool.

pimp the book

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