that poor girl...

May 14, 2008 15:18

...i would never have thought that poor old stacey would be trapped in the same situation as i was with that group. the love polygon thing continues, recent development includes stacey being the object of marks' affections. actually i've written about this group so many times and i'm not entirely sure we know all of who is involved.

talk to my tits guy is actually called tony, he's stopped talking to my tits now by the way - i think he realises there happened to be a female attached to them and all that.

stacey is... this lovely little blonde girl, slightly clingy and a little paranoid. nearly every night i go out with her she texts me the following day to ask if tony was looking her way or acting like he was all over her blah blah blah... yeah she's a little gaga over him the way i was over john.

mark is john's twin brother and the only one of those three boys who has his head mildly screwed on straight.

the other girlies you might hear about include lisa, john's ex i think she was mentioned in an earlier blog. jen who is ... this is going to sound so bad haha. i love jen to bits don't get me wrong but she is the ugly duckling of our group. rather short and round and the guys like to take the piss out of her because of it, i've hit tony a few times because of it - he has a cheek talking about her that way when he's fucked her, you know? and then gemma who is... i actually don't know her that well but apparently she went to school with stacey and the twins. oh and nicole who's just new and i haven't said more than two words to her. she's always up jen's arse so i don't think i will much in future but yeah... there's a nicole.

other guys you might hear of include guy, who is a BNP supporter and i will slap him upside his head if he ever shares his political opinion around me. cheeky git, how can you be friends with a coloured person and blatently support the BNP? so my theory is he doesn't like me and i'm just waiting for the day he goes there with the whole 'preserve pure british life' bullshit and then i will go off at him. oh right and then his friend bradley who strikes me as a little special needs but he's a lovely guy really. tony took the piss once and grabbed my ass in front of him so he thought he could do the same. once he got the look he knew better but other than that he's a darlin'.

so yes, that would be everyone. stacey, poor dear, still gaga over tony has been put in an awkward and frustrating position because mark - little darlin' - has been cuddling up to her an awful lot. where tony has been cuddling up to me she hasn't been arguing and now he's taken it the wrong way - worse still she's been honest about not seeing him that way and he's not giving up. tony, cheeky bastid, went and told her she was leading him on and i personally don't see how. it took stacey getting really drunk for me to realise she is just a really affectionate friend, like john and mark in fact only female. aside from one drunken peck on the lips to JOHN i don't think she's given either of them any indication that she might like them.

of course i would be on her side because she's the main reason i keep going out with that group. her and tony. sometimes mark but i think i'm going to need to work hard to get back on his good side, that's for sure. all the same... once i get out of quarantine, i'm sure i'll have a lovely, interesting, screwy mess to inject myself back into.
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