but... i swear... i haven't even MOVED...

May 18, 2008 00:42


how is it that i'm stressed and under pressure once more, due to friends, and i haven't even left the house? basically, once again, man has proven to be a complete and utter waste of space. only this time it's actually gone right over my head as to WHY this has happened, hence the stress because i'm working to a really tight deadline and working with two uncooperative people.

remember anton? my best friends best friend who i maybe kinda sorta liked? well... he's gone around telling a large number of people that me and simone are hoes and a number of other things that i'm not too sure about where my friend was too upset or furious or irate or maybe just not too sure what was said to tell me. okay. he did meet me during my more hoeish period and he doesn't know me so that's just another guy letting me down to me - but it still bothers me how he went on to his best friend of two years like that for no reason that i can see....

so, my diplomatic self, goes and asks him to explain himself. he's not defending himself, he's just saying that since we made up our minds he did it there's no sense in arguing otherwise. i hate when people do that you know, if there was no point then i wouldn't ask. i'm not that person who won't hear someone out, i find that nine times out of ten i can actually tell if you're bullshitting me though. i know he's bullshitting me, strangely enough that doesn't make me want him out my life though, i'm just strange like that. i just think back to times when my best friend was really cruel to me in secondary school and i think, yeah he's bullshitting now but that's simply because he doesn't know how lucky he is to have me... vain as that sounds.

either way, i messaged him back saying he don't know me either and he best explain himself if he don't want to be screwing... more or less. he's still awol, and his deadline is very close. he has till monday, on monday simone knows i'm going to be well enough to go out and she's going to take me to watch the start of anton's beatings. yes, the start, because once she found out he was chatting shit about her she told a good number of people. so anton's misery is going to be over a couple of days, not just one. don't help that ... in my anger... i spoke to people too and now not even anton's hostel is safe.

well... i was angry... and i'm trying to fix it noooooow but you know, he's not cooperating. i am not fixing anything with people getting banged up or nothing until he opens up and talks to me, he may not want to but he needs to right now - yes i did tell him that.

ugh, i hate people. how they bugging me and i'm not even outside my house....
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