I started summer school today. Meh.

Aug 06, 2007 17:04

I had lunch with this woman who I've been really close friends with for a long time, and while I truly do love her to death, sometimes her attitude about certain things drives me crazy. I actually hear my own voice in my head ordering me to JUST SMILE AND NOD. She was complaining about being single and how hard it is to meet men and I was just kind of uh-huh. And THEN she was going on about how men are so shallow and all they care about is looks. And so I joked how she should get out of her sweat pants every once in a while. She laughed but then went ON about how she was certainly not going to "dress up" just to meet men and how that wasn't the "real her" and that they should like her as she "really is" and blah BLAH BLAH.

Like I said, I just nodded, but I really wanted to SHAKE HER. Just like I do whenever I hear women say shit like that. Men are all shallow because they're not turned on by you in your messy pony-tail and sweat pants? I mean, COME ON. Would YOU fuck you looking like that? Sure. Because when I'm out and about, I'm always attracted to that sloppy guy in his manpris and dirty flip-flops because I think to myself, WOW, he's taken NO CARE AT ALL WITH HIS PERSONAL APPEARANCE. That means he's deeper and more real than that other guy who put on some actual big-boy pants and a belt. BREAK ME OFF A PIECE OF THAT.

lol, whatever. I mean, I'm not saying women should go out all tarted up and ready for business. But I think that if they truly do want to attract someone, then they might want to avoid making "looking like crap" their signature style.

Anyways. OH MY GOD I ALMOST FORGOT! So, I was at the Beverly Center, and - HOW did I not know about this before?!?! - the security guards? WERE ON SEGWAYS. Seriously. I saw two of them in the parking structure: one on the ramp up from San Vicente and one just tootling around level 4. OH MY GOD THAT MAKES BEING A RENT-A-COP ACTUALLY APPEALING. When did this happen? It must be recent, because I can't believe I wouldn't have noticed that shit earlier. I mean, it's kind of hard to miss a security guard giving you the "hey" gun-finger-point while riding around in a "human transporter."

And to end this with some random bullshit (because all the previous stuff was not random at all)... First: Why does THIS disturb me so much?

Second: For goldy_dollar, because she is apparently a plushie pervert:

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA omg I am an amazing graphics maker. I could get a job doing that professionally. No, but seriously, if you want to laugh harder than you ever thought possible (well, laugh and feel really really uncomfortable at the same time, kind of like Curb Your Enthusiasm, but all pornoed out), then go here:
The following text contains descriptions of erotic acts with plush stuffed animals ('plushies'). If you are a minor, or if you believe you may be offended by descriptions of eroticism with plush stuffed animals, please stop reading this text now.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH OMG SO FUNNY. I especially liked the answer to the question "How can I clean a plushie?"

i thought it was hilarious, totally justified outrage, los angeles, photos: misc, just an update

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