I've decided that I use the lol too much and I tried to restrain myself but it was HARD

Jul 25, 2007 17:01

So, I go to Amoeba yesterday for a mullet fest, aka a free show by Tegan & Sara. lol, I mean, they're pretty good performers, if totally inarticulate (I've taught 12 year-olds who were better public speakers). But what was especially funny was watching all the other people packed in among the music bins. I've never seen so many earnest liberal white lesbians in my life. OH OKAY maybe they weren't REAL lesbians, but they've totally thought about it. Quite frankly, they might as well be, because the few I saw with a quote unquote man in tow? Totally the girly, skinny, might-as-well-be-a-woman type of men. I couldn't stop laughing, and my bf was getting pretty fucking annoyed with me but I couldn't help it! I have no self-control in situations like that -- it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of stupid, and I am if anything, a glutton for dumb. And they were all sooo young. I felt like I was at a Take Back The Night rally at some lower-tier east-coast art school. OH WELL IT WAS FREE.

In other news (you know, just in case you define news as the random shit that happens to me), I started painting the blue accent walls in my kitchen. I was going for a really deep, almost purply, english-china-pattern blue. SO NOT WHAT HAPPENED. It's like, American flag blue. HIDEOUS. I literally stood there for minutes staring at it in despair once I realized that it was almost the same exact color as the painters tape. UCK. I feel like I'm cooking in a kindergarten classroom. Oh well, I'll figure something else out. I thought maybe I'd just rag a darker blue on top of it, but then my mom suggested painting it black and now I'm totally intrigued by this idea.

HOLY CRAP WHAT AN EXCITING PARAGRAPH. lol, omg my life is so boring. Case in point: Last night? My bf was all, wow you're legs are always really smooth, you must have to shave all the time. And that made me laugh SO FRIGGIN HARD and I told him that I probably haven't shaved my legs in months (I honestly can't remember), I just don't have a lot of hair, so he doesn't notice. And he didn't quite believe me, so he starts to REALLY EXAMINE my legs, and COMPLETELY FREAKS OUT when he finds a hair that's like, an inch long. Behold the visual proof (on my right shin, because, as some of you know, I only found out maybe a year ago that some women had hair on their ENTIRE legs, and not just their shins, lmao, I'm like a retarded person):

HAHAHA omg I'm such a loser :(

i thought it was hilarious, photos: mine, just an update

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