All the Same

Oct 31, 2015 15:03

Title: All the Same
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: T
Setting: Season Eight AU
Summary/Prompt: Mr. Scattybones: A Highland Fling with a Monstrous Thing (angst)
Word Count: 100

When Spike comes back, when he shows up suddenly at the front gate of the castle, still battered from his fight, Buffy thinks things are about to start being so much better.

She thinks they’ll be like last year, in Sunnydale at the very end, when they drew strength from each other and had each other’s backs so easily. She thinks it’ll be good.

But he’s shaken from his losses in LA and she’s aching from her loneliness out here in Scotland.

She hides inside him and he hides inside her.

It’s not better.

It’s still just all the same.

creator: foxstarreh, setting: b8, medium: fic

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