
Oct 31, 2015 14:28

Title: Trustworthy
Creator: TheFoxinator
Rating: T
Setting: Post-series
Summary/Prompt: Conkers: Big Trouble (fluff)
Word Count: 370
Note: It came to me as Spuffel, but I can de-"-el" it if that would be preferable.

It’d be nice to say Buffy feels like she can trust Spike. Especially since they’re in love and living together and all that.

She trusts him with plenty of stuff.

She trusts him with her life. She trusts him with her secrets. She trusts him with her pain. She trusts him with not killing Angel when their arguments get ridiculous (or with helping her to kill Angelus if it ever comes to that again). These last few months, she’s even started trusting him with some of her laundry (after Angel gave him several weeks of lessons and only with older clothes she’s willing to sacrifice, but still).

She trusts him when they switch things around and he ties her up for a change.

She’s not sure she trusts whatever this is that he just dropped into her hands as she drank her morning coffee.

“It’s a present,” Spike says.

With some consideration and after turning it over a couple of times, she actually can see a little resemblance. It looks mostly like a crumpled ball of newspaper, but there does seem to be something inside. And part of the newspaper sticks out from the rest of the wad with ‘To Buffy from Spike and Angel’ written in Spike’s handwriting over some of the classifieds.

“What is that?” asks Angel, leaning over the table to see.

Now she has to decide if she trusts his intentions with including Angel. It’s either sweet or this is going to be awful.

Buffy unwraps the present warily. Unfolds the present warily, actually, since Spike doesn’t seem to know how to wrap something. It’s a Christmas ornament. In October, sure, but it’s just one of those little ball ornaments which is pretty innocent, except Angel says, “Spike,” in a tone that means it’s definitely not innocent.

The ornament is red with a white band around the middle and when Buffy spins it she discovers the band is one of those places for people’s names to go. Except instead of her name (because no one ever carries Buffy ornaments) this one says, ‘Special Nurse.’

Spike grins.

He does not deserve to be trusted with presents.

He might deserve to be punished, though.

(With chains and outfits.)

creator: foxstarreh, setting: post-series, medium: fic

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