Prompt: Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats (comedy)

Oct 31, 2015 18:06

Title: Gunning for Buffy [1/2]
Creator: the_moonmoth
Rating: R
Setting: B5, during Dracula
Summary/Prompt: Vampire Bats and Scaredy Cats (comedy)

When the slayer came storming in the day after the cowboy had paid him a visit, he figured she was there for exactly the same reason -- information on Dracula. He'd already told Agent Stick-Up-His-Arse everything worth telling, though. Even let her know that before she got started, making nice, like. So's she wouldn't stake him. Finn might be so full of hot air his feet floated an inch off the ground, but his superhoney, now she might actually do the deed, especially with the little matter of his betraying her and her gang to Adam still hanging between them.

So it was a complete and total surprise when she held up a hand to cut him off and said, "Spike, I want you to bite me."

"Uh," Spike said, quite effectively derailed. "Excuse me?"

She rolled her eyes, mouth going all pinched in that tolerating-Spike way he most especially hated, and said, like she was talking to an imbecile, "I. Want you. To bite me."

"Right." Spike said. "Not hearing things. All right, then, Slayer, over to the sacrificial alter with you."

"I'm serious," she said.

"So am I," he said, though he was anything but.

"I'll pay you," she said, waving a wad of cash under his nose, and that's when he sobered up.

"You're serious?"

"Uh, yeah, I did say that. And kind of on a clock here too, so if we could hurry it along that'd be swell."

"And why, pray tell, does a vampire slayer want her Big Bad nemesis to bite her?"

"Oh please, Spike," she said, rolling her eyes again, "you're barely even the Little Bad these days," which was rude as all get out for a girl wanting his help, but before he could voice his displeasure she rode right over him to explain how Dracula kept putting her under a thrall, and she'd read that a bite from another vamp was the only way to counteract it. The more powerful the better -- and how was that to soothe his ego? It sunk in that she was seriously offering to pay him to bite her and drink her blood, and get one over on Drac to boot. There was no downside! Oh, right, except...

"Sweetheart, I hate to be the one to put a damper on this very attractive proposition," he told her, "but your boyfriend and his chums made sure that old Spike can't sink his teeth into anything more appetising that a blood bag these days."

Now she did look a bit uncomfortable, which was always a lovely sight. "I know that vampire bites don't have to hurt."

"Oh hoh," Spike said, perking up. "Angel, you dog. I didn't think he had it in him!"

"It's not what you think," she said, flushing prettily, but Spike thought it was exactly what he thought, especially from the way her pulse started skipping. Did she know there was no middle ground to biting? It either hurt or... not. Was she seriously asking him for the not? Oh this was too good to be true.

"How's it going to work then, pet?" he asked. "I'll have to take some blood to make it stick, so you might want to-"

"I'll stand," she said quickly, and whipped out a stake as he came closer. Ah, yeah, he'd been wondering about insurance.

"Hope you've got a firm grip," he said, pausing for a moment, "I'd hate for your hand to slip in the throes of-"

"Let's just get on with it, shall we?" she said, with forced brightness. Shrugging, he positioned her to his liking, supported lightly by a stone pillar, and brushed her hair aside. This close, she smelled amazing, like the best meal he'd ever have, and he felt his body responding, fangs itching, mouth watering, cock stirring to life.

She placed the stake against his shirt, just over his heart, but even so her heart was hammering, and he steadied her shoulders and murmured, "Shh, shh, pet, I'm not going to hurt you," before leaning down into the crook of her neck and opening his mouth over her skin.

medium: fic, creator: the_moonmoth, setting: b5

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