(no subject)

May 10, 2008 03:35

i missed all of you. i have access to a computer at least for tonight, i cannot write much at the moment (been a little sleep deprived) but i saw a link for a free 3 card sample tarot reading so i thought ::shrug:: what the hell?

My question:

My boyfriend and i are trying to decide if we need to separate for awhile or remain together while we have new options to try to work it out. Which is the right way to go about saving our relationship?

King of Swords
in the "Love & Me" Position

General Meaning | Meaning of Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
Judge well and wisely in matters between you and your possible love interest. You are the one with the final say.

The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself with regard to possible intimacy in your life.

The King of Swords in this position stands for fairness and even handed treatment. He settles disputes, assists in the resolution of conflicts and mediates. Bringing analytical and interrogative skills to bear on whatever the current drama may be, the King of Swords is by consent of his community the impartial adjudicator.

Work hard to maintain such a position and reputation. Patient listening and penetrating questions are his signature, and those qualities are just what are presently being asked of you.

The Lovers
in the "Situation" Position

General Meaning | Meaning of Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
You are faced with a choice, one that challenges your ability to trust yourself and your potential love interest.

The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.

When the Lovers card appears in this position, you are coming to a fork in the relationship road. One path must be chosen, the other path let go of.

If you take the time to go within and are honest with yourself, you may make the appropriate choice. This does not necessarily mean you take either one path or the other. You may choose an entirely new path, even one you take alone. Gather your maturity and sobriety about you. If you are just fooling around, it could turn out to be a costly emotional decision.

Eight of Pentacles
in the "Challenges" Position

General Meaning | Meaning of Position

Main (positional) Meaning:
Give yourself a reprieve from your intense striving. You may gather energy for a potential relationship at a later time.

The card that lands in the Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.

The Eight of Coins in this position offers you a chance to render high quality work in a future relationship without becoming consumed by the process. Yes, by all means create beauty, but do remember to take breaks. Your intimacy may be rigorous, not just artistic and aesthetic. You need time off to pursue other activities, a social life and some diversions.

Refresh yourself. Take a break from your single-minded focus so you may return to your desired relationship with renewed energy, excitement, and longing. For optimal health, refrain from an "all or nothing" style. Pace yourself. Avoid burning the candle at both ends. This will benefit both you and your future love interest.

hmm. interesting. anyways i love you all and will be in touch more often. going to club tomorrow night, it would be great to see any of you there. although people are trying to convince me not to go to area and start to go to trapdoor. hmmm
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