(no subject)

Jan 26, 2007 01:07

I havent updated in a while. Lets see what has happened... hmmm. well Christmas was great with lonny's family. We got to be lazy and eat great food! lonny got me a dryer for my clothes (he is taking it back up to springville to get it fixed so it actually dries lol) and a huge cd case (which i asked him for) and a couple of video games. His mom got me some hot curlers for my hair (i still cant figure out how they work with my type of hair) and she put together a huge emergency kit for me. it has all the works. it even comes with a portable potty called the "luggable loo" hahahaha its fun to make fun of, but it could very well be one of the most important pieces of the kit.
new years me and lonny went to some of his friends house to get drunk and fun with, but lonny was so tired he kept falling asleep while we were all watching eddie izzard transvestite comedian (hilarious) and so none of us got drunk. i had about one and a half drinks. then i snuggled up to him and was falling asleep when the people whose house we were at baby had a temperature of 103 so they rushed her (her name is Jetta, yes after the car) to the er so me and lonny stayed the night there in case thier other daughter Jubilee woke up and wanted to know where her parents were at. baby ended up having pnemonia or something but is fine now

work is crappy. they expect you to be responsible for finding a seat, so if there isnt any available or headsets or chairs or keyboards and so you cant get clocked in ontime you are marked tardy which is ridiculous. long story short my sup tried to give me a write up for this instance and i fought hard and he lied about when my badge scanned into the building and i called him on it and had security call him on it (he said security was the ones who told him when i scanned my badge into the building in the first place which they dont even have the power to look up) so after me throwing a fit and other things going wrong with him and invalid write ups i got to change my schedule and my sup, (my new sup isnt any better she called me a dumbass to my face once and never has updated info) we will see how it goes but for all records Teleperformance is not the best of jobs to look into (although i do get a referral bonus lol)

During the whole deal with work going down and while the changes to sup and schedule took place they told me a friday afternoon to not come back till tuesday so i spent the time off of course with lonny, and brian and amanda. we all discovered a great invention called guitar hero both one and 2. amanda is amazing with it and im not too bad, although lonny seemed a bit upset that we found a game i am better than him at hee hee. The time i got to spend with Lonny was amazing even that whole time together didnt seem like enough.

Finances are not too good. still better than i was, but i REALLY wanted to move closer to my boyfriend end of march, but i forgot i owe my old utilities still money so i would have to pay those off first to be able to even set those up in my name there plus get enough saved for a full months rent and deposit on my own. not likely. sniffle. this has me really depressed. i love living here dont get me wrong, but 45 min apart is so hard cause we barely get 24 hours together. only 18 this week. plus gas is killing us. i really dont want to live in mainly byu approved apartments either. too strict and controlling, but i would be willing to do it for my man if i could afford it.

Im bored at the moment and kinda tired. so i might be going to bed soon, at least till he calls me on his lunch. :)
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