What a Friday I had

May 14, 2005 13:29

Well, you could tell yesterday was Friday the 13th! I go back to work, the day after burying my precious kitty, and my work pretty much had me bend over and grab my ankles to screw me over again. I guess I could say one good thing...it kept me from thinking about Josie for a bit. I was too ticked to do otherwise.

I was told by my boss and supervisor that I would have to work on second shift, by myself, while the kid under me gets to go to first shift. I was so hot. I've been told before by both of those....uh...creatures...that they were trying to figure out a way to get {me} on first shift. I don't know whose Cheerios I pee-ed in to make them change their minds. I told the kid I wasn't mad at him, but I did let him know that I wasn't happy about it. Neither are the people I get the parts for. It fries my mind what they are thinking! The morning hours will be a lot more demanding than at night, and they're just throwing a kid in there who has no idea what to do! I felt sorta sorry for the kid too because you could tell he was a bit nervous about it. He's used to working on the other side of the factory only (where I do pull some parts for his side), and his partner (yep, he had help...I had none) did most of the harder work.

I'll be alone to get parts for both sides, plus worry about getting the parts out for the next day's production, added to that all the redos of parts the production screwed up. For those reading this, I work in a factory where they make trophies, and I pick the parts they need to make them.

Then I had to find out about all this by a factory worker (the kid's girlfriend)! My bosses didn't even have the balls to even let me know! I had to ask them! I guess they decided all this while I was grieving my baby Josie the day before. Rotten buggers.

All right, tirade over!
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