Oh man oh man

May 15, 2005 08:56

LOL...went to a work party last night (both boss creatures were not invited...hahaha), and found out why I wasn't promoted to first. The kid's girlfriend whined to the Vice President of the company (for some reason the woman likes this tramp) and got him switched to first shift so they could be together. But I was cheered up by how the workers stood by me. The one lady (I'll call her B) was fuming about it still, and she told the production supervisor her mind when the supervisor said it was a 'good thing' that the kid was going to be 'helping'(it'll be more like me helping him) me out. B shook her head and said "it wasn't a good thing, because that was {my} job, and it wasn't right he got it." Another person said he was going to talk to some people about it because he didn't want the kid doing it and screwing things up. If the vice president made this call, then I don't hold out much hope of getting it.

Oh well, it still made me feel good though that people were 'upset' about it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want them taking it out on the kid either, but at least I know I was doing a good job. I was doubting myself, thinking that maybe I didn't get it because I did something wrong, or wasn't considered good enough. I know that at least some people appreciated what I did.
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