Nov 22, 2007 13:03
Rebecca and I are basically alone for Thanksgiving, though there are the potential for visits from Cam and Amy depending on how their days go. My family is, of course, in Disney World. My mom called me to tell me that my brother is back in the hotel room sick and that my sister is laying down in First Aid because she fell off a segway. I am resisting the urge to tell them that's what happens when they go without me.
I had previously talked with my grandmother about her coming over for dinner, but the last time I talked to her, she decided to go down to her beach house in Maryland instead.
Our plan for the day now consists of going out for Chinese, watching movies and eating the box of $40 artisan chocolates that I bought from Wegmans last night because I AM INSANE. Overall, it won't be bad. We're not working or running anywhere and we can just sit around.
Last night when we were out, we saw a HUGE accident on 22. They had a huge section of the highway blocked off and there was a car on fire, surrounded by fire trucks. It looked horrible, like, I highly doubt that the person or people inside are living anymore. That makes me really sad. Crap like this always happens over the holidays, even with the cops out in full-force all day trying to prevent it.
I am very, very resentful of the automobile and gasoline industries and the way they've lobbied the government. Unless you live in a big city, you can't get by and be a productive member of society without a car and that fucking sucks. Cars are so dangerous and so bad for the environment. If we had a better rail system in place like a lot of European countries do, I'd be glad to give up my car and take the train everywhere.
In far less tragic but still very irritating events... I have been receiving dirty text messages on my phone. One of my friends sent me a photo of a topless woman (with very-obviously fake breasts) removing her panties. It upset me because she objectifies women in the exact same way men do (she's the one who is into strippers, too) and she doesn't seem to understand that's not how I work. Then it got even weirder... my former co-worker sent me a text with a picture of a very large woman, legs spread. I almost threw my phone; I was disgusted. I won't even talk about the four-hundred different ways that THAT offends me because I'm sure no one wants to hear it.
Also, since we've moved in, we have heard our upstairs neighbors moving throughout all hours of the day. That's kind of to be expected, but last night, it sounded like they were literally stomping on the floor and jumping up and down right above our living room for half-an-hour straight. We actually wondered if they were trying to piss us off. They might hear us to from time-to-time, but we're not excessively loud, so I don't think it would be justified. And I don't want to be the person who starts a noise complaint war...
my family