Nov 20, 2007 17:10
If cows were killed only for their skin, I would find leather morally reprehensible. But leather is a by-product of the meat industry; cows are killed for meat and then skinned. I take more issue with wasting the skin of an animal that you were going to kill anyway for its meat than with wearing leather products.
Also, I don't have a problem with other people eating meat, I just have a problem with ME eating meat. I don't know if there are just too many asshole vegetarians out there who push their beliefs on others, but when people find out I am a vegetarian, they automatically start trying to justify their meat-eating habits and/or trying to make me justify my lack thereof. They are also quick to try to find any hypocrisies that they can in my lifestyle. I'm always asked why I eat fish, why I eat fake meat, why I feed my cats food with meat in it, etc. It's really upsetting.
I’d like to see the meat industry made more environmentally sound and more humane for both the animals and the people involved (meat-packing plants have a 400% yearly turn-over of employees, for instance). I don’t think the industry will ever be completely obliterated and that’s fine. Some people need to eat meat. I think it’s completely a personal choice. I make the choice not to and though my feelings about animals were a part of that choice, there were other, far more selfish reasons for it. (I stopped eating meat during a period in my life when I was also prone to bouts of self-starvation).
My mom, dad, brother, sister, fiance and almost all of my friends eat meat. I don't care. I would never try to change them. I'm not going to care if you eat a steak in front of me unless you killed the cow with your bare hands, so there is no reason to feel threatened by me.