Dec 19, 2008 09:38
I have been listening to a lot of AFI. It makes me remember when I was 15 and didn't give a fuck about anything. Of course, it relates exactly to what I feel at this very moment, behold.
There's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out.
There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out.
I thought we worked, pushed toward the same ends,
I'll never be so quick to trust again.
Disenchanted, disgusted, I regret that I trusted.
I put my faith.
My faith in you, you poisoned me through and through.
I though we both shared the same injuries.
Now I've found it's you who injures me.
My heart is cracked from being left out in the cold.
I feel like I am going to explode sometimes. Like my heart is going to burst.
I hit on a guy last night, I wanted so badly to feel better and feel wanted. I went up to him and told him he was very attractive, he said thank you I quickly walked away. Then a few minutes later he came up to me and started up a conversation. Turns out he is getting his teaching license as well! He is a tutor right now and he is 23. I gave him my number and he invited me to his party tonight. I sure don't remember his name, but he was way cute and some sort of asian.
Then-ten minutes later I was more depressed than before.