The Everett Legacy: 1.2

Dec 26, 2015 17:27

Last Time: All four women and girls in this family have trouble handling life in an ISBI, including my one controllable, Tatiana. Despite all the fails, though, most people managed to get to work and school for the most part, which made things slightly bearable. The youngest, Juliana, grew into a child, which means two children to worry about rather than a slightly less irritating toddler. Things are going to get fun, now...

Tatiana isn't too successful at cooking, but she certainly looks adorable while doing it.
Katlin doesn't really care.

She doesn't care about her daughter's potential meltdown either.

Things are going great in the Everett household.

Selena: If I found a genie lamp, could I wish us out of this ISBI?
Katlin: Yes! Please, please tell me that's a valid option.
Sorry, but the only way you're getting out of this challenge involves the Grim Reaper.
Tatiana: *sigh*

There's no room at their little table for poor, little Juliana, so she gets relegated to the couch, to watch her family enjoy their dinner together without her.
What a lovely picture of family life.

I used to be surprised to see my Sims with things like Professor Volleyball - now it doesn't even faze me. Look what you've done, Everetts!

NO MORE CHILDREN! You don't even take care of the two you have properly, let alone another baby who can't get chips out of their fridge and fall asleep on the couch on their own.

See, one of your children actually made it to a bed - you're already very successful parents, and should quit while you're ahead.

Tatiana: Sweetie, could you stop ignoring me in favor of that crudely-drawn volleyball who isn't nearly as intelligent as I am, whether it has a fancy hat or not?

Katlin: Sure, I'll ignore you as I go to work instead!
Tatiana: I just don't think that I care anymore.
And to think I was worried about more offspring just last night...

Juliana is adorable, even if I'm pretty sure that she should be doing homework instead of playing on the computer.

I think Tatiana might regret how she treats her childre at this moment...

Although I might be a little worried if I were Juliana right now.

Nope, she doesn't seem too worried right now.

Tatiana apparently didn't want to risk her fingers again by trying to cook dinner.

Wow, you don't have to be that sad about a lousy Pop-Tart!
(I have no idea why she's so unhappy - although she certainly doesn't look unhappy - Juliana, you worry me sometimes)

*sigh* Maybe Juliana was disappointed about missing school, although that's her own fault. We need as many paychecks as possible, Juliana!


Don't look so happy, you cruel, cruel woman!

Juliana: You did this.
You didn't go to school!

Selena: Um, hey, Mom, why are you crying out in our yard, in full view of our neighbors?
Tatiana: *ignores remaining child in favor of crying*

Social Worker: What do you mean, there's another child?

My poor baby!

Did you really think I was going to let my two heirs disappear from existance? I tried to make Katlin beg for them, but it wasn't one of her abilities, so I didn't get the chance to use her one action (at least I think she still has an action...). So, after they left with the social worker, I used the Sim Blender to get them back. They even still have the same number of days left until their birthdays, which was quite helpful.
They look so excited to be back home, don't they?

Aw, look at the happy mother-daughter bonding!

Selena: Um, something is wrong.
Why are you smiling with your eyes open while crying?! You really worry me sometimes, Tatiana. Maybe you weren't the best option for an ISBI founder.


At least we have one child who's a little closer to possibly being self-sufficient!

Selena: Look at that hand! It's so big!

Wow, I am definitely impressed - how is she not complaining about her awful childhood right now?

*is adorable*

You two have a weird idea of mother-daughter bonding.

Katlin seems like she's a bit better at cooking without any self-maiming.

Looks like Tatiana is the one left out of this family dinner.

Aw, Juliana stuck around to eat with her mother - someone either wants to win the heirship, or is doing her best to get the hell out of this house.

Selena, if you don't want someone to read your journal, maybe you shouldn't be writing in it in the middle of the kitchen/living room/dining room, which is also the first floor and thus the place everyone has to go through to get in and out of the house.

Selena: How dare that little white-haired sneak try to read over my shoulder!
They have a lovely relationship.

Slowly (very slowly) but surely, the house is beginning to get various furnishings, including this colorful chess table that will hopefully lead to promotions and less fights over the computer.

Aw, are you reading to your daughter while she sleeps?

Nope, just blocking Juliana from getting out of bed and going to school.
Juliana: What am I supposed to do?
Maybe go to the end of the bed and get out that way instead?
Juliana: But I always get out of the front!
*sigh* Sims...

This is karma for trying to keep your daughter away from school.
Katlin: Curse you, karma in the shape of hail!

I hate it when creepy adult men come into the house to talk to young girls about joining their clubs. You didn't think this might be a little creepy, Maxis?

She might be a teenager, but Selena still needs help from her mom to finish her homework.

See - if you had more children, then you would have to help with even more homework, Tatiana.
Tatiana: *ignores*

They just don't want to listen to me, do they?

And that's it for this update - next time we'll probably have shenanigins from two teenagers, which should be loads of fun.

ISBI Stats:
Torch-Holders: 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 1
Fires: 0
Self-Wettings: 1
Pass-Outs: 4
Food Naps: 2
Fights: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0
Resurrections: 0
Social Worker Visits: 1


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