The snowball is rolling...

Nov 03, 2006 12:15

Last night, Barry and I went out with Ken & Don for dinner... and drinks... and ended up at Diamonz (local gay bar)... Sang karaoke and drank way too much beer... my head is hurting BIG TIME today... UGH! And I had to wake up early and get in around 8am to meet with my boss... My day has been flying by (thankfully)... but I've still got a pounding headache and upset stomach... and just can't wait to get out of here. I bet the other guys were feeling it this morning too... *sigh*

So things here at work with my software are starting to get more intense... the recent changes had me worried that my job might go away... but definitely turning in the other direction now: they are going to cause a lot more work for me. Which on one hand is a very good thing... but on the other hand, I'm really not sure I'm ready for this. My new boss has a very different way of working... and in order for things to happen now I've really got to step-up and take charge of things. I've got to make some drastic changes and figure out how and what is going to happen... and I'm not feeling very confident in myself... It's going to be a big learning/growing experience for me over the next few months. I feel it... I'm at one of those "turning points" in my life... a point which is going to change me and what I do... I'm not sure I'm ready for it... but the snowball is already rolling down the hill and I can't stop it...

changes, work, drunk, sick

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