Nothing... yet a lot...

Nov 02, 2006 11:42

Not much to report... even though really there's lots to report... Been so busy... both at work (with lots of stuff going on for end-of-year and business reorg and moving buildings)... and at home... Barry and I are closing up / winterizing the camper this Saturday... finally we'll be home on the weekends again... yay! Our house has really been going to hell in a hand-basket this summer and we have so much work to do around here (cleaning, organizing, etc)...

But first a trip is in order... for Barry's birthday we're hoping to do something last-minute... we've been planning for months now that we'd like to do something for him for his 40th birthday... but haven't been able to come to any solid plans. I told him months ago that it could be anything he wanted... and I think that may have been a bit overwhelming... since he couldn't really make up his mind... Originally he wanted to go to Greece... but we thought that my family might be going, so we put that aside and thought of other things. Now it looks like my family won't be doing that trip anytime soon (being that my sister is pregnant among other things)... so we should have done Greece... but it's too late to plan that now. So now we're looking at yet more options and flights... So many ideas, so little time...

So that's the latest with me... nothing... and yet a lot...

house, woods, travel, family

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