Dare to Dream...

Oct 19, 2006 13:03

Just saw Paris Hilton's video "Nothing in this World"... and for some reason it totally inspired me to make a journal entry. (Rambling deep thoughts...)

So in this video, a poor kid (aka dork) is getting bullied in school... but dreams of Paris Hilton being his girl... and then one day she moves in next to him... and he asks if she'll go to the school with him... and she does... and everyone's jaw drops... yada, yada, yada...
Cheesy, I know... but somehow... gave me the chills... and was just totally cute!
And they flashed the words "Dare to Dream"... what a great journal entry I thought.
Dork that I am... I still dare to dream.
I think sometimes (quite a bit recently) I think that I can't dream anymore... and that my old dreams are just never going to come true...
but then... sometimes... I think that perhaps my dreams have just changed... and that's OK.
But... the problem is when I don't dream anymore... or feel I can't...
that loss of hope... you know what I mean?
But there is hope, and there are dreams...
just lots of new dreams...
so don't get hung up on your old dreams... just because they were old dreams that may not have happened...
make up some new dreams...
just don't stop dreaming.

I've been distant from LJ for a while... There's several factors as-to why... some good, some not-so-good, and some just-because I'm busy... But I'm going to spend a few minutes catching-up on some LJ friends dreams now...

nostalgia, changes, lookingforward, thoughts, touching

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