Weekend recap... and hunger...

Nov 06, 2006 14:10

After recovering from our hangovers all day Friday... that night we did... Nothing. Yep, nothing except watch TV and recover some more. Woke up Saturday morning and we headed up to camp to winterize the camper. It went quickly and fairly easy. We put a tarp over a rope over the camper to try and help keep snow and falling-branches off it... I hope it holds for the season. Should be interesting to see how the camper fairs [or is it "fares"?]. Also, we ended-up putting mothballs in the camper to fend off animals (because we forgot Bounce)... Oh god I hope it doesn't reeeeek when we open it next year. *sigh*

Saturday night we watched TV... had thought about going out to "Bear Night" at Stonewall, but decided not to.

Sunday we did a little shopping -- looked at front-projection TV's and decided that for the quality of what we want, they are going to be out of our price range... so now we're back to looking at flat-screens. And furniture shopping too... looking for a new living-room sofa/pit-group set. Hopefully we'll find something... it would be nice to have new comfortable furniture -- especially with all the TV watching we do.

Sunday evening we met several friends at a hibachi place -- to celebrate 4 friend's birthdays (including Barry)... it was a good time... but I'm still full (even though I'm hungry).

Does that make any sense: I'm full but hungry?? I know it doesn't... but it's how I've been for the past couple weeks... I just cannot eat enough... no matter how much I eat and how full I am... I'm starving... It's so weird and so scary because I know I'm putting on weight... I can almost feel the fat molecules multiplying... and my belt getting tighter... and it's getting harder and harder to see my... well... "you know"... dickie-do-disease

[Edit: PS: Yes, it is not lost on me that I discuss watching tv a lot and feeling fat in the same entry... I know I need more activity... I just want to point out that I'm not that oblivious.]

health, friends, work

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