cramming everything in

Oct 23, 2007 08:30

what's up, kids!

somehow I am managing to keep myself insanely busy... it seems to be my default state, actually. In addition to everything else, I'm on the editorial staff for our student paper, I'm helping plan/lead I think three different chapel services in the next month, I'm getting really involved with the queer caucus (mostly saying, hey, pay attention to me and stop having everything you do be about marriage!), I'm trying to do more art... it's pretty nuts.

This weekend is the church retreat for my field ed site, which, hey, I'm helping plan also. That's going really well, particularly if I could stop talking about how conflicted I am. Which I will.... now.

Jesse and I are still working out living together... it really doesn't help that he doesn't have a job right now, and so he's always home. I'm learning that I need to go elsewhere if I need to get any amount of work done, and sometimes (like now) I need to just tell him to leave me alone. But we're trying to have regular date nights (on tuesdays) as well, and that's really nice. Tonight we're going to see Across the Universe because it looks really fun, and at least parts of it were filmed at my school.

Also, I'm knitting a really exciting sweater, but I don't want to say much about it because I'm gonna try and submit it to Knitty. It does feature some of the Noro I got from junquegrrl and some schmancy hand-dyed stuff I'd never seen before. I can finish a sweater (and a pattern, which I've never really written before) by June, right?

art, union, boy

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