words? i don't write words here!?

Nov 03, 2007 22:27

For those of you that don't have my other blog syndicated (christbike), I thought I'd let you know that I actually posted something.

I'm having a wicked busy semester, not least because I have a fun kid living in my house now :-) Whereas last year I didn't have anything better to do than lots of work and occasionally fucking around on the internet, now there are several better options that present themselves on a daily basis. So, my apologies, the internet.

But Jesse's out of town this weekend, which is convenient because I have two big papers due on monday and tuesday, but inconvenient in that i'm kind of lonely. It's actually my first weekend alone since August. WEIRD!

And then next weekend I have fun spa times with rosefox and other friends, and that is awesome.

EDIT: It's especially weird because I like alone time. I've been craving it in varying degrees since August.
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