uterus attacks!

Oct 09, 2007 14:29

I woke up at 5:30 this morning with insane cramps and managed to fall back asleep until my alarm went off at 6. At that point I felt like I wanted to shoot myself and hit the snooze button a couple times before re-setting the alarm for 6:40. I got up and managed to throw clothes on and such things, and went to get a glass of orange juice on the way to my 7 am meditation class, but Jesse drank all of it. (Bastard!)

So I'm sitting there meditating and wanting to rip my organs out, and thinking that maybe I'll skip out on the walking meditation and go back to sleep. Then my vision is starting to get black around the edges and the next thing I know I'm trying to figure out why I'm asleep and lying on the floor and half of my class is gathered around me.

After an hour or so in the emergency room (and a brief escapade where I tripped going up the stairs and whanged my chin and spilled insanely hot tea all over myself...) I'm doing pretty okay. This has happened a few times before, when I'm in pain and haven't eaten in a while. Everyone at school has been really sweet and lovely, though.

And now I have to finish writing a sermon! But at least that and my reading are things that can be done in bed.

Oh, life with myself is a pretty ridiculous adventure...

menstrual anarchy

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