Jun 11, 2005 19:11
Today was like one of the greatest days of my life
ok, so I went with one of the DJ's at the station to help set up the stage and stuff for this concert thats going on tonite (The concert is SUBMERSED featuring BREAKING POINT_ and while we were setting up, the bass player for Breaking Point and I met (OMG! HE IS SO FREAKING HOT! HE has tan skin, a body like a God and long blonde Abercrombie model hair)well before we left he was kinda like eyeing me....
GET THIS: like 5 minutes ago the receptionist from work just called me to tell me that all the DJ's for 99X were going out to eat with Submersed and BReaking Point, but breaking point's band members wouldn't all fit in the 99X van, so the hottie remembered me and my name and asked her if she would call me to see if I would take them to dinner!!! OMG!
Of Course I didn't go ( i have a boyfriend remember ) I told Christine (the receptionist) that she and I both know that I have a boyfriend, so to tell them that I already had a prior engagement. Boo hoo... I know they're crying over me not being there. hehehehehe
Please see this picture of the hottie that wants me and you'll completely understand why this is such a cool, flattering thing for me (even though I know that these guys prolly get all the groupies they can stand!). Oh well... in another lifetime.
www.breakingpoint.com (he's the blonde bass guitarist in the back of the picture on the index page). Enjoy!!