I could kill you with a tray!

Sep 14, 2011 01:35

Sept 8 2011

I had no luck with finding shifts last week, which was a good thing since I spent 3 out of 5 of those days in bed with a cold that started so suddenly and randomly. Here I was planning to do laundry, 2 machines weren't working as I put both clothes and money in, surprise surprise with my curse. -lol- I had to tell the worker on the second try :"I wish I could make this shite up." XD He has since forgotten to reimburse me. Anyways, so I thought that day that it was allergies since I was going through the closet stuff, took some pills for it and that's it. The next day, full on head cold. I was up at 9am. Seriously got my butt to the store to get some meds, soup and o.j. Fired up the vcr and had a couch day. Loaded myself with the list and tea. I think it worked, by the time I had shifts at the CH (cinehell), all I had was half a voice, not good if you're box office and left alone for the rest of one evening. So by Sunday I had no voice and my other employment had called me, looking for a replacement. I couldn't even call the other boss (not Gilles2) to let him know I couldn't; and besides, my training wasn't until Wednesday.
This week I grabbed as many shifts at CH to make up for not having last week. I couldn't even call in sick on Monday, because I asked for it and it being Labour day. I had spent the rest of Sunday late night, nauseous because of the ear infection keeping me up. Couldn't lie down and was exhausted from the sickness. The only way I was able to sleep for about 2-3 hours was with damp facecloths around my neck and over my eyes. I was fine as the day got along, no fast movements. Another Tuesday passed and finally my training day came around. Still a bit wary on the elevators and equipments for cleaning, but the food court is a bit overwhelming but very tedious. I swear I have a bruise in my palm from all the trays I've cleaned just in that shift. It was busy enough. (Of course, first day with uniform and following like a newb, there's a good looking Goth guy with long hair eating at a table, just my luck) Luckily it was just the noon rush and not the evening, so it's a not too bad and it passed very quickly once you get into the groove. Feet hurt a bit, but that's understandable for walking around in the same circle for hours. The new shoes I got for this, cut down a lot on the hurt. It didn't hurt that they were on sale too. :P
I didn't know what to do with myself for my 15 minute break; by the time I go back through the Labyrinthine back hallways to get to my locker, my break is over.
To continue on about the curse, first the washing machines in the count of 2, my laptop keyboard started acting funky so now I have my desktop one hooked up to the laptop. :/ And also with the new job, the machine to punch in didn't work for me for a while and I was: "Yeh about that, sorry, my fault." XD
But bonus from not being able to do laundry the other night, I was reluctant to get a drink from that machine for the next day bus ride, but finally decided to do so before bed, put in a dollar and came to take the can out and with mine, I had 5 freebies!. Whoo!. :D So here's me at 3am, 6 pop cans in a makeshift apron I did of my t-shirt waddling towards my apartment across the hall and going hehehehehehehhehe. Beautiful. -lol- XD


Sept 13 2011

It was a dead enough shift yesterday, but it passed a bit slowly that I was wondering what else can be done. I'm not sure if we were assigned zones or sections but the other workers seem to be liking that I was doing most of the work. At one point they seem to have disappeared and I only got annoyed for a moment; there were barely any trays to be cleaned, that we had to wait for them. When my break came around, I wasn't hungry because it was early, so I ventured to get a lock or a locker; couldn't find my combo lock. Apparently we get another break of half hour. Paid. What is this nonsense? -lol- I finish work at the usual time where I have a break at the colo. Not sure what I'm going to do today. By the time you go through the Labyrinthine corridor, at least 10 minutes have passed. Maybe I'll go on another adventure for supplies.
Encounters with more odd people, no surprises really, so used to the oddballs that come into colo. One woman asked if I were the one with the boots, the goth ones as it were. I told her that I do have a pair and had thought she saw them when I was walking to colo or at some other time, but she mentioned that it was earlier that day. No, wasn't me. No way I would come in with the Boots and be on my feet all day.
Today passed a bit more quickly. Because of misunderstandings yesterday, I was left alone at one point and got overwhelmed by trays! They were doing washrooms and some were on break. It wasn't busy enough that each RBOs were out of them. The situation yesterday was that non of the washroom checks were done. I know there were hourly done but I found out today that the times were assigned to different people. So the supervisor that was in charge was non too happy with me. But all I can do is shrug. I was told where everything was and how to do half of what needs to be done. But I had good 2 co-workers with me that basically called him crazy and told me not to worry about it and that I was not properly informed by him. When I got hired I was taking over someone else's shift and such, he got rid of the check list. :/ So it was nearing the end of my shift and so I went with one of them to do the cleaning. It took longer than expected, it's mostly traveling by the elevators. That's going to mess me up tomorrow,where I'm expected to do 2 hours of that cleaning check. Thumb is less sore than expected with the massive amount of trays, and the feet are actually fine considering I'm on them; I'm sure if I were box they would be worse off. I'm sure the shoes are helping too. So first "week" is almost done and it isn't that bad. It's busy enough and I miss the lunch hour and the weekends. So hopefully I'm not going to be over-worked. :)

So re-watched Punisher:Warzone, since I got it for cheap after misplacing my other copy. Ray Stevenson so bad ass and his slicked back hair. Was is it with guys and slicked back hair recently that got me going fangirl?

Check this out:

Alice Cooper says I'm certified. :D
This was a gift from my fellow AC concert goers. Christine and Gilles. Isn't that sweet? :D


So because I handle trays all day, the only thing I can think of is Eddie Izzard's Death Star Canteen skit.

"But there must've been a Death Star canteen, yeah? There must've been a cafeteria downstairs, in between battles, where Darth Vader could just chill and go down: "I will have the penne all'arrabbiata." "You'll need a tray." "Do you know who I am?" "Do you know who I am?" "This is not a game of who the fuck are you. For I am Vader, Darth Vader, Lord Vader. I can kill you with a single thought." "Well, you'll still need a tray." "No, I will not need a tray. I do not need a tray to kill you. I can kill you without a tray, with the power of the Force, which is strong within me. Even though I could kill you with a tray if I so wished, for I would hack at your neck with the thin bit until the blood flowed across the canteen floor." "No, the food is hot. You'll need a tray to put the food on." "Oh, I see, the food is hot. I'm sorry, I did not realize."

work crap, alice cooper

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