Excuse me, I beliebe you have my stapler

Aug 28, 2011 19:44

August 24 2011

Another update, hoping it's not lengthy as others in absences.

So I haven't asked Suz for her computer yet, since I've decided to wait for student sales in the upcoming month. I might get a good deal. And with a secondary job, I might be able to afford it, the PS3 waiting for me from Beth & Steve, and a visit to the parentals. Although some sacrifices might be made, like days off and working doubles. It'll be a trial setup since I know the new boss.
I'm not leaving cinehell, because of the few movies, and also I don't mind half the cast that are there. I may grumble about the place a lot, but I don't mind working there still. There are good and bad days. Mostly good. It's the shifts that I'm having problems with; that's why I've been searching for a second job since at least January. It's all this cut hours situation that still goes on. Some weeks I get my full 5 shifts, and then it either goes down to 3, or 4, but it never stays constant, and even with 5 shifts, they're always sending people home early, or tell us not to come in. Some days it's nice, an extra day off, but it's so hard on the bills. And I haven't really been able to splurge or have great savings.
So the other week where I was grumbling about the 3 shifts I've received, and the notes that everyone was sending in the work web page, wasn't good news on finding an extra shift. Walking through the mall where I usually take the bus and this guy just stand there a few feet ahead of me. I was already a bit annoyed because no one moved out of the way. And the man was still there, before I noticed he stared at me like he knew me. Once I got closer I realized it was Gilles, from the couple that I keep bumping into at the Alice Cooper concerts. XD
Even though I was running late, I stayed a bit to chitchat with him. The usual how goes and such. He asked and I told him I was on my way to work, for my 4 hour shift. :/ And it went on about how cut hours are going about and he goes: "Well, why don't you work for me? You'll have the full shifts you need." So that was a bit of good news of the day (later on I received an extra shift). So we arranged that I would call him to let him know if I've decided and when to make plans about scheduling if I was able to work for him. And even so that the week after I received my 5 shifts, I still called him up and made an appointment, although it was on the say day where everyone wanted to hang out for lunch. -lol- Aurelie was down last minute, so V, her and I had a "lunch" and then got caught in the rain, where I was worried that I would miss my apponitment. And then in a mix up that I had to fix, I had another luncheon with more friends right after, missed a bit because it ran late for the work one. And then had to make it back in time to wait for the cable guy, since the previous day, it went out, had rebooted itself again. No sleeping in that day. So the next few shifts were great... -lol-
Gilles2 had no problem working around colo schedule if need be and time off next month when I do have mother over, or if I go down. There's some sacrifices I have to make in order for more funds; I have only one day off a week and I might have to work doubles on Saturdays. :/
It's not going to be the greatest job in the work, I'll be cleaning the food court mostly and floors and washrooms. I start off with 10.25 and then after a month, it goes up 10.75. Right now it took me close to 5 years to get up to 10.60. So...yeah. But no cut hours or reduced shifts, so the pay will be nice. Because we know each other and he knows of my work and bill woes, he offered me to pick a rate I could start at. As much as I want to start with 10.75, I don't think it would be fair, also since I didn't have to go through the whole resume process and what not.
I'm going to call him before Saturday about when would be good to start. I had to change my default availability with colo, it looks horrible since it only shows 2 shifts. Usually you have to work a minimum of 3, but colo have no problems with my reduced shifts. I did let them know I don't mind working on the busy nights. Tuesdays though will be tough to take away from job2. I don't mind though, if it were busy like yesterday and only because it was the weather that brought everyone in, I don't mind working 4 hours at job2.
Let's hope it's not super stressful on my poor knee that has been all right this summer, only having one bad 3 days. The sudden changes of the weather has left my knee alone, but started with the migraines, which is a bit easier to get rid of.

I received a letter from Janae. I love receiving letters. Even with emails and constant chatting online, it's not the same as to open an envelope and take out the pages. She's going through a rough patch and I had basically wrote several pages back to hopefully reach her in time of her decision and to help her through the situation as best as I can. She received it yesterday I believe and I hope to hear from her soon, were cheating a bit by saying when we got them. -lol- But I hope things are better. And I'm itching to write another. And maybe get back on track with some writing. I'm not doing that much, just a page or so lately but I'm reading and catching up on some series. I'm already halfway through book IV of the Dark Tower already and I'm not happy that I'm already there before I can even get the rest of the series; so I ended up buying another book from another series to keep me entertained until the computer is back and since tv has been flaky lately with choices and with the weather it's always choppy and corrupted looking. As long as it leaves Sunday alone. -lol- Aurelie doesn't have much luck on those days.
I wish I could download movies right now. I'm dying to watch some Asian horror, or samurai movies.



Job2 schedule has been changed, I don't have to do doubles on Saturdays because the woman I am replacing still wants 2 shifts, so I lost out on Sundays which I said okay'ed to, which I kind of regret now, but I think I might get them back once she gets closer to exams and stuff. So in all I'll get 5 shifts a week but accumulated by both jobs. So I'm a bit frowning at that and part of it is my fault. I'll just have to see. If it doesn't work well, I might grab an extra colo shift somewhere and see if I can have the Sundays back. But right now I have nothing for the next week and a half because the training doesn't happen until the 7th. I hate availabilities per weekly sometimes, I have to submit a new one and see how it works well with job2. Luckily with job2 it's constant and hardly changes. I'll take a few of those days off to relax while I can and get extra work shoes and pants.
So A.C Gilles (still unsure how to call him to decipher him from my stepfather with the same name), and Christine got me a present. I haven't brought it home with me because I was on my way to work and didn't have room for it in my bag. They got me a certificate that pronounce me Insane and 'signed by Alice Cooper. -lol- That's the greatest thing ever. I'm so hanging that on my wall, until the parental visits of course. -lol- They are really embracing kind of people and being French, it's not surprising, it just feels a bit odd from complete strangers and you're hugging them and kiss on the cheek like family (like uncles or cousins). I felt a bit--but not really that uncomfortable.
Also B started to message me again, not a whole lot from the last since he's gone out of town for an event.

work crap, life crap

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