I will have the penne a la arabiata.

Sep 27, 2011 02:33

So I managed to work the Friday morning so I can go see Koffin Kats later on in the evening; the only problem with booking was they think it's both days that I want to work in the morning -lol- or it's just that one mishap. Anyways, a long day on my feet, after 3 days of job2 on my feet, I didn't really feel like dancing about to the bands that were going to open up. I wasn't feeling all that great because of the ear infection acting up again so once I handed my ticket of 11$, not too shabby, I made my way to one corner and snagged a good seat to view the tiny stage. And it was tiny. -lol- The opening bands were good to. Had some fun listening. Beer barons and I can't recall the other one. I was a few feet from this good looking guy with black slicked back hair and awesome jacket, very rockabilly style. I couldn't do more than just look and half smile. So now I am kicking myself for it even more because it was the lead singer of Koffin Kats. Yeh. I'm such a dumbass. -lol- Fuck. Ah well, in the end I did get the band to sign my ticket since their posters were too dark to sign in sharpie and I was also pretty much broke. XD The tone of his singing, nice. And he goes shirtless to play, tattoos...nice. :D

I'm planning to go visit the parentals for Thanksgiving since I'm getting a ride. It'll save me 300$ and that'll be nice. However, now that I told mother and my sister that I was, I can't get a hold of the girl who is going (her mother is driving us since they have family in Timmins). So now that I am expected, and no news of my ride, now I'm a bit stuck on how to pay for the bus. I just have enough to pay rent, bills and what is necessary; the transition from starting the new job and paydays is a bit stretchy, not to mention I was off by a week with just 2 shifts at the Colo. -sighs- So I'm hoping for some good news by the end of the week.
I need something because of my frustration over this dumb toilet situation again. Here I was just sitting around as my hair dried before work on Saturday and then the toilet did it's usual drain sound and didn't stop. It kept going, overflowing in the tank and slowly making its way in the bowl again. Tried turning the valve off but it was tricky since I was plunging to keep up with the water overflow. Then it stopped. I called the caretaker or landlord and since it was the weekend, again I had to leave a message in voicemail. I didn't swear but my tone wasn't too pleasant and I had added" and I'm going to work and setting towels -again-." I had forgotten to leave my number, so when I called again to do so, he answered. So he's trying to explain to me on how to look at what was broken in the tank. He didn't understand on my explanation on what was going on and assured me that it never overflow the way I described if it were in the tank. When I mentioned that it does in the bowl, he then told me that it might be a clog. Yeh okay, a clog that happens randomly at several intervals during the day, even when it's not in use? I doubt it. He then said that someone already had a look at it, I told him that no one showed up on that day they informed me. I was almost late for work waiting for them. He said that it was later on in the week and had fixed the problem. If they did, then the broken piece wouldn't still be there.:/ Yeh that got his attention and said that someone will come in during the week, which was this morning. I was there finally and I was able to explain it a bit better to the guy, not the landlord because I guess he didn't want to see my face, probably irritated him with my phone call, I don't know, and he told me that it shouldn't do the overflow anymore. So it's finally fixed!! It's still doing the random flush back but that's not unusual but it's stopping. However, I'm still paranoid and I'm still listening for it to overflow. But I'm happy about it and I'm thinking so is the LL. for not going to get any more calls about the damned toilet. And hopefully no wake up flush late at night. So now it's just a lot of people moving in and movers chatting it up at the entrance in the morning, disturbing it. Have your break somewhere else damn it! So crazy next door person is still gone but have some weird teen/college couple that's hanging out in hallway playing their DS. At first I thought they were locked out and was waiting for parentals, but if it's the same kind of apt. as mine, it's tiny as Hell. So I guess they're waiting for laundry, they have a perfectly good apt to wait in and it's not that far from the laundry room. Seriously, it's awkward trying to get a drink and checking for available machines at the same time, and by pass them.
I don't know. It's weird.
So job2 isn't so bad, still awful to clean certain aspects but they supply gloves and cleaners. I actually don't care, it's a pay. I don't have to smile or talk to every individual and that's so great. 2 shifts at the colo is good enough for me to put up with people.

I received another gift from G&C. The latest Alice Cooper album. I feel odd accepting it, they hardly know me that well and already they're getting me things. They're very nice people. I should get them something in return. Those who know me, know that i feel awkward receiving things such as gifts, help or anything like that. I don't know what to get them but I know by the holidays I will think of something. Halloween I'll make them cupcakes for sure, they'll get a kick out of them. -lol- It may not be much... :/
I still have some tickets that I have to pay for and a another delay to pay for this PS3, which would have been fine before taking this job2 and the transition. :/ But everyone is understanding about the delay and assure me that whenever I can is fine. Which is much appreciated and I'm hoping that they're all not like :/ "oh that Stephanie is unreliable".
I know they don't, but I'll always have 'her' nagging voice in the background. My lip is curling in a snarl as we 'speak'.
Anyways, playing around with this PS3, it's good and it's bad. I got a game for it, it was fun but might be better with a different controller. Tried using it for the 'net, but with this old box tv the format of it is horrible for that sort of thing. Tried to see of any good streaming sites so I can track down a new season. Fail at that too. Couldn't use a prepaid mastercard, a gift to buy anything on the PS store because they suck. 50% says they work and some from Ottawa, and the rest is no. So because it's me as well, and because of little details, I've tried several different ways and still nothing. So decided to use my free month trial of Netflix.
Watching as many movies as possible. -lol- Not as great of selections as the store but still enough to keep me entertained, which is great because the movie network package isn't playing anything good other than 2 shows on Sundays.

Halloween stuff are in stores and I'm dying to get more dollar store stuff. For about 10$ along with a few tiny things here and there, I also got a so Gothic tray, that I'm planning to get a second one in case this one breaks and with my kind of luck never find again. -lol-
Not sure what I'm planning to do for Halloween, maybe it'll be a massive movie night, or I might try to go to Mandi's party, I don't know.Usually I'm putting the finishing touches to my costume but this year...I have nothing. I might just dig out my GraveRobber costume for the party...or be Sandman's Death. But for sure RHPS is still on. I can't wait. Just release some dates already theatre!! Gawds.


So because I handle trays all day, the only thing I can think of is Eddie Izzard's Death Star Canteen skit.

"But there must have been a Deathstar canteen, yeah? There must have been a cafeteria downstairs, in between battles, where Darth Vader could just chill and go down
(as Darth Vader)
'I will have the penne a la arabiata.'
(as server)
'You'll need a tray.'

'Do you know who I am?'

'Do you know who I am?'

'This is not a game of who the fuck are you.
For I am Vader. Darth Vader. Lord Vader. I can kill you with a single thought!

'Well you'll still need a tray.'

'No I will not need a tray. I do not need a tray to kill you. I can kill you without a tray, with the power of the Force--which is strong within me--even though I could kill you with a tray if I so wished.
For I would hack at your neck with the thin bit
until the blood flowed across the canteen floor…'

'No, the food is hot. You'll need a tray to put the food on.'

'Oh I see, the food is hot. I'm sorry I, I did not realize. Hah hah! I thought you were challenging me to a fight to the death.'

'Fight to the death? This is canteen, I work here.'

'Yes, but I am Vader, I am Lord Vader.
Everyone challenges me to a fight to the death. Lord Vader. Darth Vader, I am Darth Vader, Lord Vader.Sir Lord Vader, Sir Lord Darth Vader. Lord Darth Sir Lord Vader of Cheam. Sir Lord Baron von Vaderham. The Deathstar. I run the Deathstar.'

'What's the Deathstar?'

'This is the Deathstar. You're in the Deathstar. I run this star.'

'This is a star?'

'This is a fucking star - I run it. I'm your boss.'

'You're Mr. Stephens?'

'No, I'm…who is Mr. Stephens?'

'He's head of catering.'

'I'm not head of catering! I am Vader! I can kill catering with a thought.'


'I can kill you all. I can kill me with a thought.
Just… I'll get a tray, fuck it! This one's wet, and this one's wet, and this one's wet! This one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet, this one is wet.
Did you dry these in a rain forest? Why, with the power of the Deathstar, do we not have a tray that is fucking dry? I do not…
No, no, no. I was here first.'

(as new customer)
'You have to form a queue if you want food. Can I have, oh, penne a la arabiata, that looks nice.'

'No, no, no. D'you know who I am?'

'That's Jeff Vader, that is.'

'I am not Jeff Vader, I am Darth Vader.'

'What, Jeff Vader runs the Deathstar?'

'No, Jeff… No, I run the Deathstar.'

'You Jeff Vader?'

'No, I'm Darth Vader!'

'Are you his brother? Can you get his autograph?

'I can't get it… No, I'm…All right, I'm Jeff Vader! I'm Jeff Vader!'

'Can I have your autograph?'

'No, fuck off, or I'll kill you with a tray! Give me penne a la arabiata or you shall die.And you, and everyone in this canteen! Death by tray it shall be!'"

money woes, concert, parental units, koffin kats, work crap, apt crap

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