
Feb 10, 2019 07:43

We have had such a wealth of rain, and delicious cold weather! It's been wonderful as I hunker here in the bunker trying to get this story wrapped up*. Sometimes it's been so cold here at my desk I can see my breath, and I keep fixing hot tea in order to warm my hands. And loving getting to wear long sleeves!

I know summer will be coming soon, but there is slightly less dread because I'm looking forward to going to Quincy, MA, for Readercon (Rates going up soon, if you're thinking of coming) July 11-14, and the fiftieth Mythcon Deets here) the first weekend in August.

A friend and I have worked up some discussable possible panel topics to suggest to Readercon (and I sent in one or two myself); I can hardly wait to see what richness others come up with. Re Mythcon, I still remember the frantic joy and anticipation before the first Mythcon. I've missed a lot of them over the past couple decades, but I always love going back. Mythcon, like Fourth Street Fantasy (which alas I have to miss, sob), has its own shape, with certain events you don't get at any other con. It really is a mixture of academic and fun, and, like Fourth Street, it's mostly book talk and less media. There are more papers presented at Mythcon, but there's also more playful stuff. Readercon--at least the two times I was there, many years ago--has very little playful stuff, and that seems to be right at the beginning, but its real draw is a fantastic program, which spins off great discussions.

*have written 40 k words in the last three weeks, not including one redraft. Only two major set pieces to go, once I get the current one in the bag.

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rain, writing, cons

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