I got to go, that year, and I took notes on the panels that I attended. Having rediscovered those notes this past summer while sorting stuff to keep or toss, I thought, why not set the notes aside and post them WFC weekend?
People might be interested in what people said about various topics then, and what they think about the same topics now. Bear in mind, of course, that these notes are almost 20 years old, so the context of many of the remarks is forgotten. I apologize if I misunderstood someone, or misstated.
The first panel I attended and took notes on is relatively short.
"Animals in Fantasy"--panelists Jane Yolen, Will Shetterly, Judith Tarr, Patricia McKillip, Sharon Baker
Jane: Magical creatures? Real animals in fantasy settings? Real animals that talk? (Or football") [I have NO idea what the analogy was there!]
Audience: "What animals have you created?"
Jane: Animals as familiars. That's become popular, but there's a danger in falling into the "cute animals" trap.
Will: Western civilization anthropomorphizes animals. Native Americans let their animal gods be true to nature.
Sharon: Cute creatures don't perceive themselves as cute.
Patricia: People write and read cute, and like it, because it is safe.
Will: Cute plus savage is popular now.
[someone] Familiars as "companions" has become a cliche.
Sharon: the role of the familiar is to work with the protagonist and make a third entity.
Jane: don't forget animals as hero in animal fantasy
Audience: What is the place of animals in future culture? They won't be "needed"--will wild animals become pets or curiosities?
For today I'm moving one up, as I only took a single note. The other panels in my notes have much longer entries, so I'll save them for the weekend.
Fakelore vs. Folklore--when does a newly written story become folklore?
"When can you use others' lore--and when must you leave it alone as sacred?"
Jane Yolen: oral tradition has power and written words do not, among Australian natives. For us, it's the opposite.
And that's all for that one--seemed a good question, and I don't know why I only have one note. Maybe the panel fell flat, or maybe I just didn't Get It. Wouldn't be the first time.