Yuletide squee.

Oct 14, 2013 13:19

Only about 16 hours left to sign up for Yuletide".

For years I've seen people ranting on the internet about how fans are sexist and racist and are only interested in white male characters. I've always maintained that when women and POCs finally started getting cast in actual main roles in the shows fandom gets excited about, then we would fangirl the hell out of them.

Looking at the sign up summary so far, the top FOUR requested fandoms are:

Sleepy Hollow - a hella lot of requests for Abby/Ichabod and Abby&Ichabod, as well as requests for Katrina fic and Jennifer fic.

Elementary - Sherlock/Joan and Sherlock&Joan

Agents of SHIELD - Of the 10 Yuletide letters I read, two of them asked for one female and one male characters and the other EIGHT exclusive asked for the kickass female characters Skye, Melinda and/or Maria.

Orphan Black - Almost the entire cast of this show are female and the letters almost all want just the female characters and a few the women with a secondary male character. Also, if you haven't already watched this show, run don't walk, because it is freakin' AWESOME.

I have broken with my tradition of asking for the bare minimum in order to try to get my tiny, tiny fandom story and am now all about the more the merrier! Now that writing treats have become a large part of the Yuletide fun, it means more chance of getting an extra fic. Win!

I always offer in fandoms I haven't written in before, with just one ring-in in a fandom I've only written a tiny amount in a tiny pairing. Last year I got paired on that one, and also matched with that person on Lewis, and between the shortish Whitechapel fic, and the epic Lewis one I ended up writing, and the other Lewis challenge I'd signed up for, for the first time ever I did not write in a new fandom for Yuletide.

So this year I have signed up for ten fandoms I haven't written in at all, some just because they were nominated and I could, including two which no one has yet actually asked for (The Full Monty (Guy/Lomper, I saw her letter) and Threesome (UK) of which I've only seen 5 eps so far. But there's still time for those people to sign up - there's always a last minute rush, so I'm not going to withdraw the offers. But looking at the sign up summary I am going to drop one of the fandoms I've volunteered for on the grounds that heaps of people have also offered that, and change it to one that nobody else has offered for at all.

Two the fandoms I've asked for are in well written, historically accurate shows and some of the letters I've seen are terrifying, wanting plot-related historically accurate gen fics, and I'm having to restrain myself from withdrawing my requests. I remind myself that the likelihood of getting these people is low, and even if I do I will still enjoy the challenge, especially as I will have Jody to help with the WWII stuff (Jody is dead keen for me to do them). Ha, one letter did say I could ship the characters, even up to an OT3, which got me all enthusiastic just before going to sleep last night, even though I don't actually ship them, I would adore the challenge. Very straightlaced law-abiding peeps in WWII in a threesome?? HELL YES!!!

I know, I know, I'm babbling. BECAUSE I LOVE YULETIDE.

intensely focussed, yuletide

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