Her taste is eclectic!

Oct 25, 2013 22:44

A few weeks ago a friend asked if Bunny would be a fangirl when she grows up. I assume so, we've certainly done our best to raise her properly and some of her fave shows have been Tower Prep, Eureka and Warehouse 13, and she's loved the first three eps of Agents of SHIELD. Her fave characters in those shows have been Suki, Zoe, Claudia and now Skye. How freaking awesome is it that shows nowadays have kickass young women for Bunny to identify with!

However, her current preferred viewing choice is Foyle's War, which is set in Hastings on the coast of England during WWII. It is about a DCI, his sergeant, and his driver, as go about solving murders etc. Any of us looking at this picture immediately know which character is which, but when Bunny first saw the characters she asked 'is the girl in charge?'

This got me thinking: anytime I see a cast promo photo, or if I see an ad for a show I don't know, my default assumption is that the white dude is the main character, because that's what I grew up with, and of course, is still the case to a large degree. But times they are a'changing, especially in the sort of shows we watch in our house.

Back to Bunny and Foyle's War. I started watching this when I was off sick with my eye, and then started putting it on when Bunny was on her DS, so I assumed she wasn't paying attention. I should never assume that. Now it's her preferred choice when we have 'family night' (having dinner in front of the telly and then cuddles till bedtime).

Foyle's War is historically accurate and has amazing attention to detail. Of course, unless I explain stuff Bunny doesn't really understand what's going on. We're up to the last season, and the last ep opened with the atomic testing in New Mexico in 1945, and then skipped forward a year and the plot is one of the scientists is suspected of conspiring to give secrets to the Soviets, and so there's spies and undercurrents and one of the other scientists is mysteriously getting sick, so as we're going along I'm explaining to Bunny about the Cold War and Communism and spies and radiation poisoning. At one point I was like 'am I explaining too much?'and she just shook her head, eyes glued to the telly.

(When she saw the mushroom cloud her reaction was OH, COOL. Because of course, she hasn't grown up with the threat of nuclear war like my generation did).

Oh and the subplot was a dude who'd been a POW and is returning home after 6 years and wanting everything to be the same but his son is now 16 and used to being the man of the house and his wife doesn't want to stop working. One of the reasons this show is so brilliant is it captures the minutae of what life was like during the war. In an early ep Sam has her billet bombed and can't find anywhere to stay for a while because housing is so short. A recurring theme throughout the war is that she has a healthy appetite and struggles with the rationing and food shortages.

Bunny's only seen the latest eps. I think after Yuletide Christmas I'm going to start from the beginning again, when the war's just started. It's the most interest she's ever shown in history!

show rec, historical, bunny

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