I just got back from having lunch with a coworker. We've had a weird relationship (on my end) in that we started hanging out, she seemed ok, and then got increasingly more annoying, condescending, and outright nasty the more we hung out. The problem with said person is she seems to have no self-awareness when it comes to speaking. I know she hasn't had the easiest life, and I can appreciate that, but at some point, you just have to get over it, you know?
Anyway, after a particiuarly horrendous birthday celebration for a fellow coworker last fall, I pretty much decided I didn't want to be friends anymore. So I politely declined all her invitations, and eventually, they stopped. (Lucikly, and amazingly, I had valid excuses for every event she proposed.) I thought I was in the clear.
Then earlier this week, she sent me an email telling me about Ira Glass (!! IRA GLASS!) and invited me to a few upcoming shows she was thinking about attending. I already knew about Ira (IRA!) and declined her other invitations. And then, maybe because it had been awhile since we'd talked, maybe I was feeling nice, maybe I was hormonal and easily swayed, I threw her a bone. "How are you?" I asked.
She emailed me back and told me things were good, mostly,except that her mom was just diagnosed with a pretty horrible disease (on top of a horrible disease she already has). Then she said that we should have lunch sometime to catch up as soon as I wasn't so busy.
So...we had lunch today. It was a pity lunch, really, because I felt bad for her and her mom.
But...45 minutes later...yeah, I still really, really don't like her. She's still condescending, she's still snobby, her voice is still shrill, and I still can't look her in the eye because I dislike her so much. (I tend to avoid eye contact with people I dislike. I dunno if it is just me or what. This is important only in the sense that I am very big on eye contact - it helps me listen better.)
Ugh. I am now feeling all...unsettled. I kind of just hate her. This was, for reals this time, the last time. Ugh.
/end rant.
Sorry. Thanks for reading if you did. I just needed to get that off my chest.
In other news - Ira Glass was awesome; I love him even more, if that's possible and I wish that TAL season 2 was available on Netflix already. There is a three-day weekend coming up. I'm getting my hair cut tonight for the first time in months. I'm seeing my BFF Sunday. I'm almost done with Assassination Vacation; it's taken me so long to read and I am excited and itching to start something new. I'm going to New York next weekend. Things, in general, are good.