Mar 23, 2006 21:56
I am worried about the current state of both my music collection and my memory. Like the rest of America, I fear a decrease in my attention span. Here is why: I have a ton of music, right? Certainly not the biggest collection ever, but a fair amount. Also, I don't just buy music willy nilly; there is a careful screening process.
My first problem is I seem to be sick of it. Hopefully this is a temporary rut. I know my taste, and I know that I like what I have. I used to get this way with food all the time when I was younger. It drove my parents insane: For weeks at a time, nothing would look good to me; therefore, I wouldn't eat. (Of course I would eat something, but there would be whining and temper tantrums; that something would usually end up being a graham cracker or a piece of cheese.) Right now I feel like I'm having a temper tantrum with my music, even though I have enough music on Itunes to last six days.
Problem the second is my newly formed inability to learn new lyrics. My entire life, I've had this knack for memorization. Really, it's too bad I am a lousy actor, because I can memorize scripts within the hour. Similarly, I could learn lyrics to songs after only a few listens. But now...I can't sing along everything in my collection because I don't know the lyrics to any of the songs purchased within the past few months. It's like there is a finite time for my brain to do this--in the aforementioned first or second listen--and since that has been shut down, the lyrics aren't sticking.
I feel like I am losing brain capacity, like I am getting stupid. This is not a good feeling. One of the reasons I moved back east is because I felt like I was not challenging myself--mentally, physically, and goal-wise. Now I am playing catch up, and I feel like everyone else around me has gotten a head start.
So can I no longer memorize lyrics because my music collection has gotten too big? Or is the reason I am bored with most of my music is because I have nothing new to sing along with?
On a completely unrelated note, I really think I need to take a grammar class. I forget most of the rules. I know what looks/sounds good, but I don't know why. I'm also not sure if what looks good to me is actually correct. Evidently, my brain can't retain high school English, either.
My last question is: Where is all the fanfic? Every time there is a "drought" like this, it makes me realize how fast people actually turn stories around. I do believe it's only been a few days, but it feels like forEVER. This may be due in part to the fact I haven't been able to have GG Time with my best friend for two weeks now, and am in serious withdrawal. I mean, I could cheat and just watch. Every single episode is sitting here in my room with me. But...I won't. It'll be better the longer I wait...right?
I am turning 25 on Monday. I don't want to talk about it. Should be a fun weekend though: Two friends are coming to visit from out of town, and we are having a party on Saturday. Plus, I don't have to work tomorrow so I can do fun things like clean and grocery shop in anticipation of their arrival. Still though: 25. Don't. Want. To. Talk. About. It.
Last, some :
*The latest Scrubs totally made me cry. Dr. Cox reading lines with his patient? Forget it; I was gone.
*Did anyone else notice they recapped like, the entire series of Veronica Mars in the teaser last night? Weird. They must be really hard up for viewers. Watch people, watch!! I'm still holding out for the Gilmore/Veronica combo.
*I am so glad that Kevin got voted off last night. He was cute at first, I will give him that. But boy shouldn't have made the top 12, because he just isn't that good. My favorite is Elliot. I know he won't win, but his voice is so beautiful, and he's short and loves his mother. Plus, he's totally from my area, so I feel I must support him. (I didn't know he was from here at first though; this information was just an added bonus.)
american idol