
Jul 21, 2008 12:59

Mm, Bowie. Gack, I haven't listened to God Bowie in so long. I must rectify that.


There's some things changing around these parts. Those that are frequenters of my LJ, not just reading mine through their style, will notice that I changed my layout back to my shark week layout that I had for about, all last year. I love hot pink. While I'm not sure it's my favorite color, it seems to encompass my personality well. Or so I'm told. And I picked the shark week banner because 1) I was inspired by Shark Week starting next Sunday (HOMG, GET THE POPCORN) and 2) it's a sentiment I agree with.

I'm also in the process of reorganizing all of my tags. While a bunch of entries lost their tags for the time being, that will be remedied. Promise.

Yes, I am that much of a nerd. Look at my icons list for cripes sake.

In other organization news, I've lost my Filofax. Anyone seen it? Because, um. Not cool. I think the reason why I keep myself (or attempt to) so ruthlessly organized is because I am actually quite scatterbrained--which I am. So, it's necessary that I force myself into this or I won't remember anything. I don't remember to pay bills, birthdays, send cards or gifts, appointments, meetings with friends, nothing if it's not written down. I even have a big whiteboard by my desk with a list of what bills are due when and how much--or I'd get to the end of the month and be like "crap, I should pay that." Often, this happens after I get phone calls saying WE ARE GOING TO CUT OFF YOUR SERVICE IF YOU DON'T PAY US, BIZNATCH. Cell phone companies are so touchy.

So, I need to find my Filofax. This might be in my trunk. Just about everything else I own is, although, I'm not quite sure how it got out of my purse because my purse hasn't been in there in weeks.

Also, I'm in the mood for a new purse. Not sure what, though. I'm trying to keep myself from buying purses like I normally do because I have this thing called "groceries" and it's generally good if you can afford to buy them.

Can you tell this is a stream of conciousness type of thing? Geez.

Also, I need a new cell phone. My pretty, shiny cell phone decided to die not too long ago and the cell phone company told me it would cost as much to get it fixed as it would to buy a new one, more or less. I'm afraid of sending it in because I don't want them to make the repairs and then expect me to pay it when they're done, if it's not an amount I'm comfortable paying. But I HATE my old phone, which is why I upgraded to that one. I can upgrade Sept 30 but I really, really don't want a new contract -- I like my plan the way it is, the features I have and the amount I pay for them is perfect and that'll change if I sign another 2 year contract. Never mind that I've been in a contract since I was 18 and I would like to NOT be.

But the new phone I want is $379.99 and I just can't afford that right now. Stupid Capitalism.

I'm going to go get food now. My stomach is eating my liver.

me = dork, me: organizationy, ch-ch-ch-changes, random post is random

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