"Jesus, I slipped on a pickle."

Jul 23, 2008 16:04

Title brought to you courtesy of my friend LBug who continues to make the mistake of speaking in front of me without thinking. Shame on you.

Hi there! TODAY's installment is brought to you by the color red, super cute flats and annoying bitches. Can we all say annoying bitches? Ugh.

Let's start there, shall we? Okay, so Saturday morning, I left my friend's house to go to another friend's house. This friend is...someone I try not to hang out with but feel obligated to do so occasionally because otherwise she'd have no other friends. Which is bitchy of me but if you knew this girl, you would understand. Our hanging out consists of listening to her bitch about how her husband is controlling, always forces her to do things she doesn't want to do even though he works 12 hours and she works 6, how he always bitches about how she's controlling but how she really isn't, how much she hates his family but she only hates them because they hate her, she never did anything to them and doesn't know why they don't like her -- you get my point?

So the point of me going to her house on Saturday was to help her unpack -- they just moved -- before we went to a show that night. Instead we sat and watched movies while she fell asleep and then halfway through another movie that SHE wanted to watch, she went to go take a shower...and while I was waiting for to get out of her hour-long shower (seriously), I got a call from my aunt about my grandmother. My grandmother is. Well, she's another post. But she's 87. Fell, hurt her hip, shoulder and (they thought) her head, so they took her to the hospital. My dad was suffering from food poisoning this weekend and my aunt (his sister, my grandmother's daughter) is loopy at best, a fucked up alcoholic pill popper at worst, so my dad wanted someone...reputable? With a memory? Coherent? to be there. So I waited til my 'friend' got out of the shower, told her what was going on, that I'd give her the money for her ticket since it was my fault we weren't going and that I'd talk to her later. I was off of work Monday because I woke up feeling like crap/wanted a day off, so I went to see my grandma that day, too.

This girl works the same shift as me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but considering I had 80 things to do on one of my list's Tuesday when I had 0 on that list Friday and that I'm constantly running around helping people with their computers and I get some 50 - 60 odd emails per six hour shift from agents and underwriters a day, I was A LITTLE BUSY on Tuesday. I noticed at about. Oh... 12:40, when I leave between 12:45 - 1:00...that this girl had emailed me asking how my grandma was doing. The one time I actually made eye contact with this girl throughout the day Tuesday, I smiled at her -- her aggravating me is nothing new, so it doesn't bother me much -- but the way she worded the email was designed to let me know she was still pissed off for canceling on her. Whatever. I shut down, being rushed out for second shift as always and went to talk to her...and she was already gone. So I leave the building and I see her walking away, but there's no way I could've caught her before she got on the bus (company is offering shuttles for people who live in CR so employees can't ask for reimbursement on gas working out at Norway), so I didn't bother and emailed her when I got in this morning. Checked my work email not too long ago, no response from her. I emailed her a question I had and she responded with a max total of three words. I said, if you don't want to go this weekend, that's cool, just give me my ticket back so I can go by myself. And she responded "Why wouldn't I want to go?"

I closed my email. I have to deal with her tomorrow, that's soon enough. She's just so...so. That's a good place to stop it.

Otherwise, today was a great day. I was on top of my game today. Mostly. A friend of mine (the friend I am currently living with, the same one who's house I left to go to this girl's house on Saturday) was in the same town as my company this morning, lured me outside and I completely walked past him because I 100% didn't recogize him. His looks, his clothes, even his mannerisms were completely different from anything I've ever seen so I blissfully ignored him until he texted me and called me an idiot. Which is true, but hey. And then I spent a large part of my afternoon, while we were shopping and ordering sushi, making fun of him for looking like a certain male celebrity. But I won't go into that here.

I was called into Nerd Patrol again today and had to "fix" my bosses email, in which I discovered that she was basically being too quick for Outlook. The little box asking for her name and userID would pop up, but behind the email she already had opened, so then she couldn't get to the box and would lock up her email. I finally, was, you know, patient, but it still makes me look good cuz I fixed it. XD

SHERRY THE TABLE SHAKER is gone for the rest of the week and the managers tend to glom onto the free computers...I'm sure one of the other bosses will grab Sherry's computer before my direct boss does, but I emailed the girl who sits on the other side of Sherry and who is one of my friends and was like "OH NOES. NANCY WILL SIT AT SHERRY'S DESK! D:" and then I did the email thing for Nancy (before Sherry had left) and discovered that Nancy had found a computer in a different area, so I emailed my friend to tell her that when I got back to my computer. This girl replies "'Til tomorrow.'" And I was emailing back, "Killjoy," when the underwriting manager appeared behind my shoulder, leaning down to ask me a question. I was like "GEEZ, SNEAK UP ON A GIRL WHEN SHE'S IMPROPERLY USING COMPANY RESOURCES."

How rude.

So today was actually a pretty good day. But now I need to go do laundry because after tonight? I'm out of undies. And I'm far too lazy to go buy more. Tonight, anyway.

ETA: The truth?

sarijw (6:26:19 PM): seriously, how did you slip on a pickle?
LBug (6:26:28 PM): well
LBug (6:26:35 PM): i was walking along, texting
LBug (6:27:02 PM): and someone app did not like the pickle on their burger, so had thrown out onto the sidewalk
LBug (6:27:32 PM): and i stepped on, and SQUOOSH, slide, ack!
sarijw (6:27:54 PM): only you would find a pickle. THOUSANDS OF MILES OF SIDEWALKS in the city
sarijw (6:28:01 PM): and you find the ONLY pickle
LBug (6:28:04 PM): i KNOW
LBug (6:28:08 PM): like, seriously!
sarijw (6:28:12 PM): what is wrong with you?
LBug (6:28:16 PM): i dont know!!
LBug (6:28:21 PM): i think i have bad karma
LBug (6:28:23 PM): or chi
LBug (6:28:25 PM): or somethin
sarijw (6:28:26 PM): you know i'm totally telling people about this right?
LBug (6:28:29 PM): oi
LBug (6:28:34 PM): why do i tell you things?
LBug (6:28:37 PM): *facepalm*
sarijw (6:28:38 PM): i have no idea
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