A random post of randomness. Also, random.

Jul 21, 2008 12:05

Random the first:

Friday, we had a baseball game. Well, not work. But CR has a minor league team and every year there's a company outing. Buy a ticket, get good seats with free beer, free pop, free food, popcorn and nuts, etc. Before the game, to "celebrate," we were to wear our "favorite baseball shirts or jerseys" to work.

I'm wondering whose great idea this was. "Hey! I've got it! Let's shove a bunch of Cubs, Cardinals, Giants, Indians, Yankees and Red Sox fans ALL IN ONE ROOM together for six hours! Let's also make sure the room is SUPER hot today and let's steal their fan so they freak out looking for it when they all start to suffocate!"

I have an idea who it was. She will be dealt with accordingly.

The tally was: 6 Cubs shirts (once my manager showed up), 1 Indians shirt, 2 SF Giants shirts, 2 Yankees shirts, 4 Red Sox shirts and 3 Cardinals shirts. See who wins? Yeah, thought so.

But anyway, here's an email I sent to my friend on Friday (TO ESCAPE THE INSANITY), since you people like my conversations so much. I'm telling you, the wit, it's natural:

'Haha, the baseball gangness that’s going on is hilarious. Denny’s on the phone with an agent, making comments about all the cubs fans, I laughed at him and Amanda is like “sorry, I’m on his side” and I was like : O and then she’s like “I don’t like the Cards, either.” And I was like “well, I like the Red Sox, too” and her face drops and she’s like “I’m a Yankees fan!” And Krystal (in a Cards shirt) was standing right here stapling and we were both like “*GASP!!*” And Krystal’s like “the one time cubs and cards fans gang together” and I was like “I thought you were such a nice girl” to Amanda. And then “you really want to sit in the middle of the floor with no desk, don’t you?” and then I turned to Danielle and go “Danielle, I have bad news!” And she goes “what?” And I said “Amanda is a Yankees! fan!” and Danielle’s face just DROPS.

And the branch manager just walked in, wearing a cubs shirt and I gave him a double thumbs up and Denny sees him and goes “OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS” to the agent and then starts complaining, says he’s going to go to HR complaining and I turn to Andrea and go “this means we win, right?”'

Also, I will have a separate post about the game itself, later. SO MUCH FUN. (Wait, there was a baseball game?)

Random the second:

Yes, I'm posting during the middle of the day. I didn't sleep well last night and my stomach was meh when I woke up so I said "hey, I'm gonna take a sick day!" That's how awesome I am. And now I have a headache from sleeping too long. I'm such a bitch.

rl: work, sick boo :(, random post is random

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