Oct 20, 2006 13:04

Okay, happiness and more extreme super happiness! I DID WELL ON MY EXAM! I know it. There was one section I had a few problems with on identifying different phonological processes, but the morphology was excellent, the transcription was excellent, and the T/F was pretty damn good too! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

On the way to class, talked to Gabe for a bit, which was glorious. Even if he wasn't quite coherent because he had just woken up. Mrew. We ended the convo early and he said he'd call back around 1-3. Woo! Hope he does... if not, I'll catch him again soon, hopefully.
Talked to Cherie, who was worn out and happy. Yay!
Talked to Emery for about 30 secs., due to the fact that: a) he wasn't really in a mood to talk, and b) I had to run for my train.
Left messages for a few peoples...

Let's see... think that's it. Don's thinking he'll be at my place around 3-3:30. Which is a bit earlier than I had originally thought, so stinkage for I must to call the Andrew and tell him I will have to see him another time. Mrewp. Sorry Andrew, I PinkySwear Promise we will see each other soon, I miss you!!

So for now I'm going to get some stuff together for Eau Claire, call Mom and see if I can take the acoustic to Eau Claire, which would be glorious, and ... do stuff till Don gets here in a few hours.

I'm floating on cloud nine. Did well on exams, and going to see people I very much love and enjoy spending time with... hoorah!

Doubt I'll be much with the communication this weekend, don't take it personally. I'll get back to everyone when I can.

In other things...
1. Di: I will be stopping by next Tuesday after work to drop off the cane and hat, and pick up my winter coat and velvet cape.
2. I can't be V for Halloween. I'm rather sad about this... but the mask was $15 and plastic and icky and it was waaaaay too huge. So I'm going to figure something else that's rad and cool out. Mrew.
3. On the note of Halloween... I'm going trick-or-treating on Tuesday night, if you are interested in joining, let me know. So far the group is me, Monty, Jake, Bernard, and I think Phil. Costume is required. And you'll want to dress warm, I daresay... yeah. Woo! I'm off!

eau claire, cherie, school, halloween, friends, guitar, social plans

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