Weekend was glorious + today was awful.

Oct 24, 2006 00:30

Well, before you read what I have to say, let me tell you this isn't the half of it. And the second half is going to end up in a very very very private post... doubt if many of you will see it, no offense. But for starters, I'll cover the weekend.

It was joyous. Don brought me up as planned, and we talked the whole way there. It was a highly enjoyable trip. When we got into Eau Claire, Emery was still at work, so I hung out and ate with Don and Jeanne. Went to Dani's, and saw all but the first half-hour of X-Men. I now know that X2 is better. Still haven't seen X3. *shrug* It was fantastic, in comes Emery, hop over all the peoples on floors/couches, and pounce-age. Happiness. Days went by too fast, he had to work on Saturday night, but we went and picked him up at 9:30 in the evening and it was nice. Had food at Perkins for dinner that day, had breakfast and lunch made by Emery... *happy sigh*... there were cinnamon rolls (beyond fabulous.) and pirog, a meat-filled pastry. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuumm. Highlights had to be cuddling and mucho affection with Emery, seeing Don and Jeanne, and Sunday afternoon... where I read Hellsing mangas while Emery played Morrowind on the XBox. As for why that was the highlight... I can't explain it, other than the fact that the feeling that I didn't have to do anything... I could just relax and read mangas and still have fun with him... I'm weird, go figure. It was glorious.

So yeah. Then there was today Yeah. Let's see.
Bad Things:
1. Woke up late, was rushed.
2. Somebody tried to mug me at the Metrodome LRT station, while I was waiting for the bus. Was just putting my wallet away and some bastard tried to grab it. He succeeded, and started pelting down the street. I caught him. I stopped him, grabbed my wallet, kicked him in the groin, punched him in the face, and ran for my damn bus. Wasn't pleasant.
3. Something I ate today decided to not agree with me. I yakked it up at work. And then got hit with the it's-that-time-of-the-month cramps of DOOM. I never get cramps. Why they chose to appear today is beyond me. But it totally sucked, and I had to go home early.
4. I tried to get my keys out of my backpack on the LRT, so I would freeze my butt off standing outside my car. I yanked, and the thing that holds the car clip together broke. Keys fly. I succeeded in picking up what I thought were all of them. But no. I lost the key that starts the ignition to my car. Not the one that unlocks it, but the one that starts the effing car. Dad gave me the spare. Hope MTC finds it, if not I'll be paying for it and putting the trip to MA out the window.
5. Everyone was right... syntax is my least favorite part of linguistics. This is the part of my brain that sucks. I don't like it. Fuck. Give me back my damn morphology!! Bollocks. Because of this, I'm not going to gymnastics tonight. So fuckidy fuck.
6. Of course, there were severe lectures from parents on account of the car keys. They don't know about the me getting attempted mugged or the puking or the cramps. Bah.

So yeah. Not in the best of moods right now.

Oh, and did I mention Eric is being an immature asshole? Yeah. And he was my supervisor today. Fucker tries to get on my good side... "Oh, let me call you a cab." Told him no, he asked if I was pissed at him and I said no, I was highly irritable because I was in some pain. I go to take 2 IBProfen, come back to my desk, and he calls at me "I already called the cab, they'll be here in 5 minutes." Half the girls turn and give him dagger eyes, Ingrid tells me he didn't, and now I'm pissed off at him, because I told him NOT to call a cab. I can't afford it. Besides, it's not like I'm a wimp and can't walk 6 blocks. But then he wouldn't let me off work early, I had to go and ask Kevin. Who is awesome. Because he took one look at me and insisted on walking me down to the station himself. Which was super nice. Because he has better things to do, than carry a coworker's super-heavy backpack for six blocks, and wait for the LRT with her. He took 20 mins. of his breaktime for that. I need to do something to say thank you.

And now that I've remembered that, I'm really thankful for nice people around. Still irked with Eric for attempting to lie to me. If there's one way to piss me off, it's lying to me. I honestly don't know what I saw in him. Today was a big disappoinment though, even though things between us have pretty much fallen apart. *sigh* Neh.

So hooray... back to reading of syntax lecture notes and trying to make sense of it. *rolls eyes*

eau claire, school, work, eric, emery

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