Distressage. Blarg.

Oct 15, 2006 23:25

Basically, home life sucks. Dad's depressed and self-medicating again. Aka he went through a liter of vodka today. *sigh* And he's moving out. I think. I wish I didn't live at home right now, at least Mom is supporting me staying out of the house if I need to. I think I'm going to be at the library a lot this week. Mrewp.
Dad is saying some rather hurtful things, and I haven't yet learned to shield myself from drunken rages. I need to. Because this is seriously screwing me up, and that's the last thing I need. I have midterms this week, I just need to make it through to next weekend.
*sigh* And I have a lot of questions in my head that won't go away. That manage to keep me up at night. Bollocks.
Outside of that, life is good. Kitten's party was glorious, yesterday with Nicholas was glorious, and today Becky's birthday dinner was ... oh yeah... glorious. Wrote a song at Becky's new place, actually. Or got 2 verses & a chorus, which is a damn good start.
And now off to bed. I hope I don't remember my dreams. They haven't always been happy ones lately. At least they're not my nightmares. If those came back, I'd know for sure I'm relapsing.
I think I'm going to keep a private journal, just to put things that I don't want everyone to see. My private journal usually ends up being poetry and stuff, mayhaps I'll type one up. Since I type faster than I write, by far. Yah. Murr, night.

drinking, school, friends, poetry, writing, dad

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