Le prologue/taster

Oct 13, 2011 17:26

Title:  There's A Good Reason This Fic's Another Rydon Honey, I Just Haven't Made it Up Yet or Just another day at FBR highschool.
Author: sarcasticweathe
Rating: Erm.. well Pg at the moment but it's highschool so it should get more "interesting" later on so 15 (PG/15)
Pairings: Rydon (yes shock horror!), Peterick, Gabilliam (Possibly Joncer.. we'll see)
Warnings: It's a Rydon highschool fic, so hints of abuse (at some point), bit of angst and my strange writing :D
POV: 1st Ryan
Summary: Meet Ryan, your typical angsting, uncool, artistic, student (at Fueled By Ramen highschool) with a few secrets, and his opposite Brendon, the coolest kid in the school, the perfect mormon you know the guy every girl wants to be with and every guy wants to be. Oh and their cool friends :)
Disclaimer: If this was real, I'd still be running around excitedly screaming and since I'm sitting in the computer room typing this up, clearly it's not. I don't own the people, the title's from Panic! At The Disco's There's  A Good Reason (Y'know the rest, it's too long) and the Lj cut is Bowling For Soup's Highschool Never Ends.
Author's Note: This is a taster/prologue while I write the next chapter (really just an incentive to write more). I feel I enjoyed writing this too much, so.. enjoy :)

'Describe the day your life changed'
Ah english questions, they do love to challenge us mentally don't they? I can already predict what other students are putting 'My life changed when my cat died' or 'My life changed when we won the lottery, we won £5.' Such life changing, mind altering experiences. Well maybe I'm being too harsh, god knows I envy them, they haven't had been through the sort of things that make you question your beliefs, your morals, the very foundations you based everything on. No, they've just had a creature that they didn't care about and who in return barely registered their existence, other than to accept food and shelter from them, die.
My life changed when my cat died.
Well we can't go against tradition now can we?

Sorry this is so short, but I kinda wanting this going out before the proper chapter.. I should put that up soon(ish)
'Til then, peace :)
Sarah out.

gabilliam, rydon, livejournal, peterick, slash, highschool!fic

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