Le chapter 1

Oct 14, 2011 17:40

Title:  There's A Good Reason This Fic's Another Rydon Honey, I Just Haven't Made it Up Yet or Just another day at FBR highschool.
Author: sarcasticweathe
Rating: Erm.. well Pg at the moment but it's highschool so it should get more "interesting" later on so 15 (PG/15)
Pairings: Rydon (yes shock horror!), Peterick, Gabilliam, Joncer
Warnings: It's a Rydon highschool fic, so hints of abuse (at some point), bit of angst and my strange writing :D Oh and as always, my sailor mouth ;)
POV: 1st Ryan
Summary: Meet Ryan, your typical angsting, uncool, artistic, student (at Fueled By Ramen highschool) with a few secrets, and his opposite Brendon, the coolest kid in the school, the perfect mormon you know the guy every girl wants to be with and every guy wants to be. Oh and their cool friends :)
Disclaimer: If this was real, I'd still be running around excitedly screaming and since I'm sitting in the computer room typing this up, clearly it's not. I don't own the people, the title's from Panic! At The Disco's There's  A Good Reason (Y'know the rest, it's too long)
Author's Note:  Well This chapter's been posted much earlier than expected, so enjoy. Oh and any characters you don't recognise are from my strange imagination, but mainly it'll be people you know and love (hopefully)!

"Hey Ry what did you put for that english question? It was pretty hard wasn't it? I think it was when I got my first guitar for me, but my little sister being born was pretty 'life changing' too.. oh you don't think I should have put that do you? I mean, I thought I was too young for it to affect me too much.. Oh but what did you put?"
"Oh hey Bill, I wrote about my cat dying"
"What but you don't have a cat..?" The brunette with long wavy hair pauses for a minute, brows furrowed/
"Correct" I reply and walk off to the dinner hall before he has time to question me further.

Okay, I should probably introduce myself, I'm Ryan Ross, well George Ryan Ross, but lets not go into that I'm 16 and go to Fueled By Ramen highschool, I'm not quite sure how it got the name, I mean there's plenty of rumours but those range from the surreal to the disturbing, so let's not go into that either. I have three friends: Patrick Stump, William Beckett and, my closest friend, the only one who knows the truth, Spencer Smith. I think that's all you need to know, oh and I'm openly gay, actually I think we all are, well Bill claims to be bi and Spencer says he's not fussed, which basically means the same thing.

"Spencer" Bill whinges, he does that to get out attention "Does Ryan have a cat?"
Ah shit
"Er noo" He replies not bothering looking up from his staring match with his ham sandwich.
That may sound strange, and well it is, but I swear he's won a match before.
"Oh" he turns to me "then how did it die?"
"Oooh busted!" Patrick chimes in.
I give him my best whithering look.
"It didn't, I don't, I made it up. Okay inspector?" I finally reply sarcastically.
"But why.."
His question was cut off by the always extravagant Brendon Urie.
Aka the most popular guy in the school, the perfect mormon, raging homophobe and for some obscure reason, my self appointed tormentor.
Brendon climbed on to a table with a megaphone.
Seriously who the fuck even has a megaphone, let alone brings it in to school, oh right, Brendon Urie does!
"Can I have everyone's attention?"
Like he didn't already the stupid..
"Thank you, now I'm sure you're all aware that every 6 months my parents go away to.."
Oh yes the famous Urie parties, twice a year he has a party, twice a year he and the socially elite get shit faced and twice a year they don't turn up to school for the rest of the week.
"Why's he telling us this? It's not like we don't already know about it" I half ask half whisper
"Maybe he's showing off.." Patrick replys, earning him a 'shush' from a kid near us.
"Oh yeah like we really need to hear this" I reply, venomously. That in turn earns
 me three shushes, two dirty looks
And a partridge in a pear tree.
I must have said that a little louder than I thought as when I looked up I saw Brendon himself staring at me.
"Finished?" He asks sarcastically.
"Don't say anything sarcastic" Spencer mutters
If I don't say something sarcastic, everyone will think he's won, but if I do, Jesus christ he's wins!
"How can you say something sarcastic and not sarcastic at the same time?" I stage whisper
"Say something in French?" Patrick suggests "They always sound like they're insulting you"
As a lover and follower of the language I feel I should argue, but lets face it, the kid has a point, even a French person would agree, or insult you, I don't know my French isn't that great..
"Fin" I reply mock sweetly.
Brendon rolls his eyes but merely says "Bon" before going back to his speech.
I'm just gonna paraphrase it as it goes on for a few hours, I'm not joking, we missed last lesson for it. Basically, we're all invited to his stupid party, cue cheers, screams and just general displays of ecstasy. I swear I thought one girl was going to spontaneously combust from the sheer ebullience of it all!

"Now I'll be the first to admit that I can turn a sentence into an epic poem, but seriously, I don't think even I could go on for that long" I say while we wait for the bus.
"Yeah, I like references to greek mythology as much as the next guy"
The next guy being a Greek scholar.
Bill states "But even I think that was taking the piss"
"Hmm, I heard that speech was written by the famous James Macadee" Patrick throws in.
Famous to all those in the indie circle, which to be different is probably a decagon.
"Pfft asif" I argue "Who from?"
"Jon Walker"
"Oh.. wow by James Macadee?"
Yeah Jon knows EVERYTHING, and everyone, no-one questions 'the J-walk'.
Patrick smiles smugly as way of answer "So are we going to this stupid party?"
"I dunno" Bill says over my loud and vicious head shaking.
Yes head shaking can be loud when done by a professional, such as myself.
"On one hand, Ry looks like his head's gonna fly off, but on the other hand, it would be pretty cool to see the inside of the Urie house, God knows we'll never get another chance"
"True" Patrick agrees over my now malevolent head shaking "But Pete'll be there and you know he always tries to molest me- don't laugh it's fucking terrifying- at every party we're at"
"Another good reason to go" Bill counters
"Shut up! Okay how about we ask Spencer?"
It's never hard to find Spencer, just find where Jon is (generally somewhere cool and possibly indie) and look behind tables, doors, in bushes (I really wish I was joking about the last one) and you'll find Spencer skulking.
"Please, I can predict his answer already" I say "Just tell me whether Jon's going to the party or not and we'll know"
"Well of course he is" Bill replies "He's never missed a party, especially not a 'Urie party'"
"So it's decided" Patrick says almost ominously "The losers are going to the 'Urie party'"
"Just kill me now.." I mutter under my breath.

gabilliam, rydon, livejournal, peterick, slash, highschool!fic

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