The Pursuit Of Happiness- Arguing

Oct 01, 2011 18:44

Title: The Pursuit Of Happiness- Arguing
Author: sarcasticweathe
Rating: Pg-13 (It's all nice and clean, just a bit of language)
Pairings: Rydon
Warnings: Insomnia.. does that count? None really, just sadness and happiness, so if you don't like that then you're a bit screwed.. Oh and a bit of bad language :P
POV: 1st Pete's
Summary: Pete can't sleep and everyone's depressed, how can that be connected? Honestly, I'm still wondering myself..
Disclaimer: Yeah this is true, and it's sunny in Britain *looks outside window* ... but seriously I have no knowledge of this happening so :/ Oh and yeah I stole the name from that film (but spelt “Happyness” right for copyright reasons (I lie it’s ‘cause bad spelling makes me sad) with Will Smith :)
Author's Note: This may become a series of standalones, yeah you know that’s possible!

Well, it's been five days and still no sleep. I've tried everything, counting sheep, reading, waking Patrick up telling him there's a fire or the police are here to arrest him and watch him run around panicking until he wakes up enough to realise I'm joking (I've tried that one five times, he still falls for it). But nothing seems to work.

Everyone has that friend(s) who can argue about anything, and anything you say, can (and will) start a massive argument. Annoying right? Enter Brendon and Ryan.

"Hey Bden what's the time?"
"Err nine in the aftern--"
That was all he got out before the book hit him.
"Every time I ask you always say.."
"Well why do you ask then, if you kn--"
"I thought you might, for once, act your age.."
Well that's what I assumed they said, they were literally screaming at this point.
"So Beckett, I heard you’re working on a new song, how's it going?" Spencer said (well yelled considering there's an argument going on next to them)
Because that's what we do when there’s an argument, ignore it.
"I'm at loss at what to do Pat.."
"Seriously Pete don't call me Pat"
"..They're always arguing 24/7.. well maybe not on stage or when they're sleeping that would just be.."
I trailed off when I saw Patrick pulling that face.
"Why do you need to do anything? Let them sort it out themselves, you're just making trouble for yourself"
"Yeah but.."
"Pete, look at me"
Yeah like I was looking anywhere else, like I could.
"Do. Not. Get. Involved. Okay?"
"Okay Pat I can follow simple instr--"

So how am I to stop those two arguing?

“Have you seen the movie 10 things I hate about you?” Gabe asked
“What the chick flick?”
“It is not a.. hey Beckett is 10 things I--“
“Yes Gabe yes it is” William interrupts him with
Gabe may be able to hold his drink like a man but don’t let that fool you, he is essentially a girl. I told him this.
“Gabe you’re a girl. Now what was your point?”
“No I’m hurt!”
“Okay, fine so, y’know how Ryan and Brendon are always fighting and insulting each other?”
“Wow your observations skills are second to none”
“Wow bitchy, Patrick not putting ou--”
That stupid, childish and totally irrelevant remark was interrupted by a mysterious flying pillow hitting him. In the face.
“A pillow, seriously? Now who’s the girl? Anyway, even though I would be completely within my right to not help you I shall, ‘cause I’m a nice person. Maybe, they’re in love.”
Being in love with your best friend is one of the cruelest twists of fate, you can’t say anything because it could ruin the friendship, so you have to watch from the sidelines while they fall in and out of love and hear them obsess over the latest “love of their life” and all the while you want to scream that you love them and would never hurt them. But you can’t.
“In love!? Gabe you’re an idiot!”

“Hey Pat-rick, yeah thought I’d forgotten how mad you get when I call you that didn’t you Trick?”
“..Pete, if I wasn’t so preoccupied searching for my fucking plectrum you’d be dead now!”
“Aw love you too. Anyway, I was talking to Gabe and he seems to think Ry and B are.. in love which I think is a load of--”
“Well duh!  Did he only just realise?”
“Erm.. yeah I think so”
“Oh my.. I know he’s not that observant but really? That’s.. that’s embarrassing. Oh here it is!”
Hmm memo to self: Congratulate Gabe on good idea.
“Hey Pete?”
“You’re not gonna get involved are you?”
“Course not.”
Now how to get those two together...

“Okay we’re finally here, who’s ready to party?”
I should explain, we have a traditional while on tour, when we’re in Chicago we always go to the same club and get.. well shitfaced! The club in question is, for want of a better word, quirky, but you’re always guaranteed to get a crowd.
“OH MY GOD! There’s a piano, Ryry there’s a piano!!”
Yeah Brendon’s spotted the piano...
“Alright, give me a song to play.”
“Well if Brendon’s gonna be playing on the piano, I’ll get the drinks” I called over the requests for songs.
“Ooh ooh can you play chopsticks”
The offbeat sound of black and white keys answered Beckett’s question.
“Can you play _____?”
He’s not gonna attempt.. oh wait Ryan asked that.. yeah he’s gonna play it. Sorry rephrase: he’s gonna try and play it.
“We’ll see my dear”
Sure he fucked up a few notes and the tempo’s not quite right also I swear he’s put words to it that don’t belong there, but he’s playing it and the look on Ryan’s face: priceless.
“Y’know he do anything for you.. play anything, go anywhere with you, for you.” I murmured in Ryan’s ear.

That night I finally managed to fall asleep.

rydon, livejournal, slash, arguing

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