Rant in A Minor

Jan 17, 2007 03:23

If having half finished projects were an Olympic sport, I think I'd take the Gold.

My list:

1) A shrug that I started knitting last spring so I could wear it for the fall and winter- half done.
2) A doll I started last summer, part of a pair I'm doing- half done with the first doll (maybe it should be 1/4 done, since it's a pair.)
4) A novella for JF that I have been working on for close to a year- half done.
5) 3 original stories that I have been doing- each of them half done.
6) My many fanfics- half done.
7) redecorating my room- half done.
8) A collage project that I'm doing as a gift for a friend- half done.
9) Geisha cross-stitch- half done
10) Samurai cross-stitch- half done

Sensing a pattern here? It's a good thing I haven't done any commissions, I'd never get paid.

My problem is I start a project, then get an idea for something else and begin on that and then I get another idea and so on...

random randomness

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