Title: The Vacation They Never Wanted 1/2 Pairing: Haehyuk, Side Pairings: Hanchul, Kangteuk, Kyumin, Yewook Rating: PG-13 > R Summary: It's about time Super Junior got a vacation but it's not exactly the type of vacation they'd imagine oh far from it.
title: I Don't Like Lee Hyukjae rating: PG pairing: eunhyuk x donghae, kibum x donghae, mention of eunhyuk x hankyung summary: Donghae likes Kibum.......right? *Sequel to I Don't Like Lee Donghae*
title: I Don't Like Lee Donghae rating: PG pairing: one sided eunhyuk x Donghae, Donghae x Kibum, mention of eunhyuk x hankyung summary: Eunhyuk likes Donghae. Donghae likes Kibum. I smell love triangle?
Title: My Little Journal (2/2) Length: two-shots? lol Author: Nyappy (Sarcasmichime) Rating: G-PG (Around there) Genre: romance I guess?? Summary: Jaejoong Loves Yunho. But Yunho doesn't know. Or does he?? (bleh not good at a summary)
Title: My Little Journal (1/2) Length: two-shots? lol Author: Nyappy (Sarcasmichime) Rating: G-PG (Around there) Genre: romance I guess?? Summary: Jaejoong Loves Yunho. But Yunho doesn't know. Or does he?? (bleh not good at a summary)