Apr 24, 2006 00:20
Although I complain a lot about my job in retail, I find that the redeeming customer experiences far outweigh the negative ones. Trite, I know. But some people are just so freaking weird that I can't help but laugh my ass of at the things they say and do.
My example: Friday night at work.
I was just minding my own business, shelving the manga off in a quiet corner of the store. The store was relatively slow and so I was having a nice, contemplative moment. From far down the aisle I heard this raucous giggling. A group of kids had singled me out, and clutching papers and cameras they sidled over to me. Natually, I knew this wouldn't be pretty.
Out of this crowd emerges this tall, gangly boy who must have been about twelve or thirteen. He shouts out, "Hey! Umm... We're taking pictures of strangers for this thing we have to do. Can I propose to you in the store and get a picture of it?" Apparently youth groups, when they aren't praying for salvation and singing songs, like to wreak havoc on the neighbourhood, paparazzi style. I was totally weirded out, but I thought- hey, I have had old middle eastern men come up to me and try to set me up with their sons for a real marriage, so I wasn't about to say no to this kid.
So the picture was taken, with a bunch of kids laughing their ass off at me. It's of me, in my dirty uniform, accepting a dentist's ring with a smile on my face, while this kid is giving a skeezy leer into the camera. To make it even better, they staged it so that one of the youth group girls stood beside me with some jealous "you hoochie! You stole ma maaaan!" look on her face. It was priceless.
Even though it was really retarded, it made my day. It's those cutsomers that I love- the ones that freak you out by the weird shit they do, but in the end it makes you truly laugh, and no one gets banned from the store. The End.
PS- still working on this essay due today.... Just half a day until pure freedom!