Title: Just Rose, Just Scorpius
sarahyyy Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Scorpius/Rose
Word Count: 251
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: "You've got a friend in me" over at
She watches him from the corner of her eye curiously.
She is aware that he mirrors her. He is sitting in his own corner reading quietly, not bothering to mingle with the other rather rambunctious first years in their train compartment. She wonders if he feels like she does too, branded by the name of forefathers before them.
No one calls her Rose here. They call her the ‘Weasley girl’, they call her ‘Ron and Hermione’s daughter’, they call her ‘Harry Potter’s niece’. But she doesn’t want to be all those. She wants to be just Rose.
She is aware that his fingers tighten just a tad when he hears people whispering his name to one another. No one says so outright, but everyone speculates. They wonder if he will be just like his father. She wonders if he feels the same, if he wants to be just Scorpius.
She ignores Albus’ warning hiss when she stands up and makes her way to him. Instead, she smiles.
“I’m Rose,” she offers, extending her hand out to him.
When he smiles back tentatively, she knows he is glad she dropped her last name.
He shakes her hand and for a moment the both of them just looks at their adjoining hands.
“Scorpius,” he says as he slowly lets go of her hand to clear the seat next to him for her.
She knows that with him she will always be just Rose, just as he will always be just Scorpius to her.