Drabble: Life & Lemons (Draco/Hermione)

Aug 22, 2010 20:54

Title: Life & Lemons
Author: sarahyyy   
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Word Count: 324
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, own anything.
Prompt: For the prompt "when life gives you lemon" for the VRD Challenge over at 5_prompts.


“Can’t we use another colour?” Draco asked, pouting. There were extremely few instances in which he would enlist the help of his ‘extremely irresistible pout’ (as termed by Rita Skeeter of Witch Weekly) but this was evidently a matter of life and death.

But the witch in question did not so much as even bat an eyelash. “Sorry, everything has been fixed.”

“But it’s yellow!” Draco protested again, resisting the urge to stomp his feet.

Hermione turned to him and shrugged. “You know what they say, Malfoy. When life gives you lemons-”

“I transfigure them into Slytherin-green apples because I hate lemons, Granger!” He slung an arm around her shoulders, “I can’t go parading myself in yellow! I’d look like a fashion disaster! No wait, scratch that. I look sickly in yellow, Granger. You know that’s why I wasn’t sorted into Hufflepuff!”

She let out a chuckle, shaking her head. “That and the fact that you don’t value fair play, aren’t honest, hardworking or loyal.”

He ignored her slur in favour of trying to convince her that yellow was a bad choice for an event of such great importance. “Honestly, Granger, who in their right minds would want to turn up to the Ministry’s annual ball if the theme is ‘Mellow Yellow’?”

She gave him a look. “I don’t know,” she said, her voice laced thickly with sarcasm, “The four hundred and counting people who have already RSVP-ed? Almost everyone I’ve met told me that the colour scheme for this year is great.”

Draco blanched but recovered quickly. “I won’t go! I’d hold a protest and boycott the ball!”

Her lips tipped up in an amused smirk. “By all means, Malfoy, boycott the ball. We’ll all be terribly disappointed that you declined to show up. I’ll send your regards to the people should they ask about you.”

He pouted again. “You don’t play fair, Granger.”

“I wasn’t a Hufflepuff,” she responded with a wink.

On another note: HEY LOOK I HAS SHERLOCK ANIMATED MOODTHEME. =D And I can't stop staring. Benedict is just so pretty.

character: draco malfoy, fandom: harry potter, fandom: (challenges), ship: draco/hermione, drabble, activity: a drabble a day, character: hermione granger

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