Looks like
Cyberconxion is closed. While my visits there ranged from "fun" (trying to play Karaoke Revolution while the kids playing Halo next to me kept trying to interrupt me to ask how to work the console-switching system, or something to that extent hello, I am singing really crappy pop here, do you mind?; attempting to play Rumble Roses and its control system that made you feel as though you were right there, trying to puppet a life-sized lead mannequin with giant knockers and limited articulation) to "that refreshing waiting-for-the-bomb-in-an-underground-bunker feel two stories aboveground," I'll still observe a moment of silence.
Moment's up.
Scored books 2 and 3 of the Utena manga at Half Price Books - the old, flipped release at that - and I'll amend my first impression: It doesn't look as bad as it first seemed. Flippy-Outy Saionji at the end of book 1 that seemed to have no context or motive was actually more of a replaying of the events of ~ep. 10. Overall it seems more similar to the series than the movie was to either, despite Hetero!Juri and the glaring lack of my favorite filler arc. ;) I'll probably try to get the rest used, too.